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Andrew J. Rynne


Dr. Andrew Rynne is a general medical practitioner practicing in Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Dr. Rynne specializes in vasectomy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy and fixing sexual dysfunctions in men and women. He also provides an Online Medical Consultation Service at where you can consult with Dr Rynne or one of his Healthcare Professionals.
57 years Experience
Andrew J. Rynne
Specializes in:
  • Vasectomy
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy
  • Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
  • Accepting new patients

Painful Swelling Above Anus

Painful Swelling Above Anus

A few weeks ago, an online patient from Liverpool sent me a photograph with the following description: “For about 2 weeks now I have had this swelling above my bum. It seems to...

Why Am I Tired All the Time?

Why Am I Tired All the Time?

Why am I tired all the time? This is one of the most common questions asked in a general practice setting. Chronic fatigue or tiredness may or may not represent a disease or illness....

Do Men Suffer From Low Libido?

Do Men Suffer From Low Libido?

Do men suffer from low libido? Well, as a doctor seeing at least 10 men per week suffering from low or even no libido, I can absolutely assure you that the situation does indeed...

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Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself: Erectile Dysfunction

Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself: Erectile Dysfunction

Performance anxiety is the big killer. Performance anxiety is the commonest cause of erectile dysfunction in young men. It is also the most difficult diagnosis to sell.  Men generally...

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Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation or PE is the commonest sexual dysfunction to affect men, and by extension women, in the world. It is more common even than erectile dysfunction. And yet...

Psoriasis Treatments

Psoriasis Treatments

When it comes to psoriasis treatment, there are many options, opinions, and variations. Also, treatments will depend on the severity of the skin rash and the area of the body...