Are Vaccines Safe?
Dr. Andrew Rynne is a general medical practitioner practicing in Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Dr. Rynne specializes in vasectomy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy and fixing sexual dysfunctions in men and women. He also provides an Online Medical Consultation Service at where you can consult... more
Edward Jenner 1823. Brave heroic pioneer.
Are vaccines safe? I believe that people who say that no vaccine is safe and that all vaccination programs should be abandoned forthwith are wrong. I also believe that people who say that all vaccines are safe and that all vaccination programs should be mandatory, are equally wrong.
Edward Jenner made the simple observation that dairymaids seldom contracted smallpox. He reasoned that because of their close proximity with bovine smallpox this gave them a certain immunity through accidental self-vaccination. That simple, brilliant observation, saved thousands of millions of people from death and destruction that was the legacy of this disgusting disease. Smallpox, thanks to Jenner and his vaccination, is no more and humanity is the benefactor. How could anyone say that this is wrong?
However, on the broader question of vaccination programs in general, particularly as applied to our infants and young people, there is indeed much to be concerned about. Have we not gone too far? Should we perhaps not step back a bit and review the situation. Might it not be better to give parents all the facts as to possible side effects in an open and forthright manner. And having done that, might it not be better to treat parents as intelligent humans, give then back their autonomy and let them make up their own minds?
So-called authorities, in charge of Public Health Programs promoting vaccination, do not like to give parents autonomy. They prefer to dictate. They want everyone vaccinated so as they can achieve “herd immunity” They want nobody slipping through the net, no dissenting voices. Conscientious objectors are made to feel guilty as traitors to the cause of herd immunity. They are perverse and standing in the way of progress. How dare they?
It has to be remembered that today, in the developed world, on average 50 doses of 14 different vaccines are given to children by age 6 years. This is unprecedented in history and represents a massive pharmaceutical challenge to small children of immuno-altering ingredients along with their toxic preservatives of mercury and aluminium. Might there not be some consequences and is this fair on children? And now we can add to this vaccinations against HPV which are coming under increasing suspicion of causing devastating, life-long side-effects in young girls. And for what?
I don’t know about you, but I would find recent research results deeply disturbing, particularly if they apply to lifelong grossly debilitating neurodevelopmental diseases like Autism Spectrum and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Why are these awful conditions on the increase? Admittedly the publication of these studies has been yet again delayed. Nonetheless, there is seldom smoke without fire, as they say.
What is your opinion?
Dr. Andrew Rynne is a general medical practitioner practicing in Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Dr. Rynne specializes in vasectomy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy and fixing sexual dysfunctions in men and women. He also provides an Online Medical Consultation Service at where you can consult with Dr. Rynne or one of his Healthcare Professionals.