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Dr. Jens Kort

Infectious Disease Specialist

Dr. Jens Kort is an infectious disease specialist currently not seeing patients. Dr. Kort currently specializes in the development of new medicines to treat chronic viral infections such as HIV-AIDS, Hepatitis C, and CMV. Dr. Kort has experience also in diagnosing and treating other domestic infectious diseases, and those acquired while traveling abroad.
Dr. Jens Kort
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Universitaet Hamburg
  • Not accepting new patients

Penicillin allergy vs the covid-19 vaccine?

Penicillin allergy is not a contraindication for a COVID-19 vaccination. Yes- it should be safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccine Differences?

The answer is no. Apples and oranges should not be compared. It's important to consider all what's in the vaccines. Both vaccines are highly effective and safe.

Can you get covid antibodies by blood transfusion?

A whole blood transfusion from your daughter to you for the purpose of transferring some of her anti-SARS-V2 (COVID-19) is ill advised. Don't consider this. You are eligible for READ MORE
A whole blood transfusion from your daughter to you for the purpose of transferring some of her anti-SARS-V2 (COVID-19) is ill advised. Don't consider this. You are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Any of the US-authorized COVID-19 vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe and protect from getting severe COVID-19.

Medications for covid?

Neither hydroxychloroquine nor ivermectin are effective to treat COVID-19. In fact the FDA and CDC has warned against using these medicines off-label for COVID-19 treatment and READ MORE
Neither hydroxychloroquine nor ivermectin are effective to treat COVID-19. In fact the FDA and CDC has warned against using these medicines off-label for COVID-19 treatment and taking these can be associated with serious health consequences.

Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine?

I am not sure what your husband's "magnet experiment" was trying to show. But there is nothing in the vaccine shot responsible for the magnet sticking. I understand that there READ MORE
I am not sure what your husband's "magnet experiment" was trying to show. But there is nothing in the vaccine shot responsible for the magnet sticking. I understand that there is a lot of misinformation about the vaccines circulating for example that vaccines include microchips or other tracking devices which is complete nonsense. Hashimoto thyroiditis is not uncommon- with 1-2% of persons in the US and more women than men. The currently authorized vaccines for COVID-19 vaccines include people with autoimmune disorders. So autoimmune disorders are not a contraindication to getting vaccinated. If you are taking medications that suppress the immune system for example prednisone you are at higher risk for COVID-19 infection and worse outcome of the infection-and for those type of person's there is a recommendation to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Talk to your doctor who is treating your autoimmune disease to get more personal guidance.

Ivermectin for covid?

Ivermectin has not been demonstrated to be effective against COVID-19. That's why the FDA has not authorized the use of ivermectin for COVID-19. There have been cases of severe READ MORE
Ivermectin has not been demonstrated to be effective against COVID-19. That's why the FDA has not authorized the use of ivermectin for COVID-19. There have been cases of severe adverse effects in people who took ivermectin off-label for COVID-19. CDC and several Medical Societies have warned about the misinformation and potential harm when using ivermectin for prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19. Do not buy into this misinformation you are putting your health at risk.

Creatine after covid vaccine?

Yes- this should be safe for you

Ibuprofen and the Moderna Covid vaccine?

You should be able to take ibuprofen in doses as per package insert at any time after the COVID-19 vaccination. There is no need to wait


Probably Yes.


Hantavirus disease (severe lung infection) acquired from mouse droppings/urine mostly via inhalation is very rare maybe 20-40 cases per year in the US and over 95% of all cases READ MORE
Hantavirus disease (severe lung infection) acquired from mouse droppings/urine mostly via inhalation is very rare maybe 20-40 cases per year in the US and over 95% of all cases occurred in States West of the the Mississippi river. Trap the mouse, spray mouse droppings/nest with Lysol or use 1 part bleach with 10 parts water, wait 30 minutes and then remove from your garage.


This is a difficult question and to my knowledge there is not enough information to make a definitive recommendations that would apply to everyone in your situation. There are READ MORE
This is a difficult question and to my knowledge there is not enough information to make a definitive recommendations that would apply to everyone in your situation. There are also different anti-COVID-19 antibody laboratory tests out there so correlating a result that you describe with protective immunity is not straight forward. From what you describe to me as overcoming COVID-19 I believe you have acquired significant protective immunity against the COVID-19 strain that infected you that should last for longer than 6 months I would speculate. Whether to get a COVID-19 vaccine now or wait longer, also depends on your risk factors getting severe disease. You should discuss this with your doctor.

Can I get an additional vaccine?

Appreciate the question, that has several parts. 1) you would need to comply with your companies and local authority guidance for travel. 2) That said, a third shot- so called READ MORE
Appreciate the question, that has several parts. 1) you would need to comply with your companies and local authority guidance for travel. 2) That said, a third shot- so called "booster shot of the J&J vaccine must have been authorized by the country's health authority first before your shipping company should implement it as a requirement. In absence of that you probably would just need to prove absence of COVID-19 infection by showing a negative COVID-19 test result.

What are the chances of another Ebola spread in the U.S.?

To my knowledge there has been only one "outbreak" of Ebola virus in the US in 2014 including a total of 11 cases with 9 of these contracted the disease outside the US an d inAfrica, READ MORE
To my knowledge there has been only one "outbreak" of Ebola virus in the US in 2014 including a total of 11 cases with 9 of these contracted the disease outside the US an d inAfrica, traveled to the US and 2 US health care workers were infected caring for some of these patients. Ebola virus outbreaks are mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. the last one was in 2018. Now there is a vaccine.

How long does it take to diagnose HIV?

Routine test takes a few days. There's a point of care test with turn around time of 1-4 hours.

If I had the chickenpox, does this mean that I could get shingles?

Yes it is possible to get shingles in your case. Risk increases with age- and more so for age >50 the shingles vaccination (2 shots) is recommended.

Is the flu an epidemic disease?

Influenza causes disease around the globe every year, an every year in the US. Circulating influenza viruses change every year- so every year a slightly different vaccine is made. READ MORE
Influenza causes disease around the globe every year, an every year in the US. Circulating influenza viruses change every year- so every year a slightly different vaccine is made. I would get an influenza vaccine.

How important is it to get the flu shot this fall?

It is very important to get this year's influenza vaccination.

Why is the COVID-19 infection rate so low in children?

We don't know yet why the infection rate in young children is lower than in adolescents or adults. It is important to point out that the course of infection in children is mostly READ MORE
We don't know yet why the infection rate in young children is lower than in adolescents or adults. It is important to point out that the course of infection in children is mostly without major symptoms and the death rate is very low. So children may seem healthy but have the infection and can transmit it to others.


From your description, I predict that you have acquired some antibody protection against the SARS-CoV-2. It is currently not known how long this will last. I am glad to hear that READ MORE
From your description, I predict that you have acquired some antibody protection against the SARS-CoV-2. It is currently not known how long this will last. I am glad to hear that you overcame the infection.

Could toddlers get the coronavirus?

Yes. Published data from China report infection with the SARS-CoV-2 in children of essentially all ages including toddlers.