Moralization of Medical Abortion and the Rule of Law

Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry... more
A copy of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning federal protection for women seeking an abortion was leaked to the public yesterday. Republican officeholders "to a man" and with the demurral of 3 women praised the Alito authored document. There is much ado about catching and punishing the thief and because of the limited access should be probable. But the tortured reasoning invoking lack of constitutional mention limits Federal protection to the visual arç of the 18th century. We will join 25 other countries and outfits like the Taliban and Isis that treat women like chattel. This is out of 197 countries recognized by the UN. Without Federal protection, medical prescription for abortion will fall into state definition and in many states will be ignored. If I recall correctly some 85% of ignored Rx babies are stillborn or fatally flawed and 10-15% of mothers die.
The necessity for constitutional authorization is a huge carry for what Bush 2 called "just a piece of paper" and while many abortion antagonists believe in rights for the unborn the notion of who that is, is still up for grabs. Some of the Orthodox Jewish faith consider Onanism a major transgression. The rule of law as a principle to be followed sounds good until we examine the deliberate distancing of SCOTUS from public influence. Gay rights, interracial marriage, and the world of LBGTQ can be destroyed (of course a special status will be created for the unimpeachable Clarence Thomas). Mother Earth is crying out for limiting the human population. Is it possible that the game we are playing has non-humans establishing the rules?