The Marijuana Argument Continues

Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry... more
THC is a gateway drug. It has little pain obliteration effectiveness. THC has a definite pain obliterative effect and there is benefit from the mood elevation effect delivered with little risk of habituation. This is an example of two apparently contradictory things being true at the same time. Thanks to Yale Psychiatry, and more specifically Anahita Bassir, ViaRicci Bencier & Han Harpaz Rotem. They performed a review of cumulative studies of the effects of trauma on stress ameliorating systems in the human body.
How THC Affects The Brain
The studies reviewed focused on the midbrain and the structures within it called the hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, and cingulate gyrus. The particular system, one of many, affecting THC and other cannabinolids is called the endocannabinoid system (ECB) which is tied closely to the lymphatic system, most of this system is outside of the brain. Only 11 percent is in the brain, but has a profound effect on the euphoric feeling. Most of the system is outside the brain, but both parts of the system work differently in youth, middle age, and old age.
Particularly for adolescents, the system does not detoxify effectively, it allows for brain cell deterioration in the critical cortical areas of the brain due to midbrain overstimulation (chemical release). The overall effect is deterioration of function and the seeking out of more powerful drugs to continue the euphoria. Thus the gatekeeping reputation of marijuana is confirmed but notice, it is for the young. For older users this happens infrequently and the recreational potential can be preserved. For the elderly the cannabinoid effect of pain alleviation is greatly enhanced by the diminished euphoriant effect of THC.
Pain Relief For The Elderly
Considering the debilitating pain and immobility and considering that the elderly people are unlikely to be drivers or operators of heavy machinery, the gatekeeper argument does not apply. Certainly for those in respite care the issue of them becoming addicted is moot.
The article, for those wishing to explore in depth is titled, ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM ALTERATIONS IN POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER:A REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND ACCUMULATIVE EFFECTS OF TRAUMA. This kind of analysis is called meta analysis and is looked down upon by individual researchers who crave "the magic bullet" along with their supporting academic institutions. These analyses however, reflect an overview (top down) of developments in an area of interest.
The engagement of the courts with companies that produced prescription opioids is an intriguing show. The exemption of liability from class action litigation would produce a Bonnie and Clyde situation that could lead to many years of resolution delay. Statutes of limitation may apply.