Questions Answered: Q&A with Dr. Rosia Parrish

Dr. Rosia W. Parrish Naturopath Boulder, CO

Dr. Rosia Parrish is a naturopathic doctor with a special focus on fertility optimization and pregnancy. She is a graduate of the esteemed Bastyr University and has completed advanced practitioner training through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM). She treats commonly Overlooked Causes of Fertility Challenges... more

How do you help with unexplained infertility? 

I look over your past medical history, labs and we work together to discover the underlying cause of your infertility.  There is always an explanation.  This is a holistic approach, so I look at all systems.  I look at blood work and specialty lab tests to help guide us to the underlying cause.  Many times, I also need to look at your partner’s health to determine if that’s a factor.

What are root causes of unexplained infertility? 

For females: Hormone imbalance, ovulation disorders like PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea, advanced maternal age, endometriosis, fibroids and growths, recurrent miscarriage, pelvic adhesive disease, inflammation, poor egg quality, poor ovarian reserve, embryo toxicity, poor endometrial receptivity, immune dysregulation including autoimmunity and infections, environmental toxicity exposure, heavy metals, gut health, Celiac disease, mental and emotional blockages, trauma, anatomical dysfunction, and many others.

For males: Male factor infertility, anti-sperm antibodies, anatomical concerns, inflammation, ejaculation disorders, poor sperm quality, sperm motility issues, morphology issues, blockages and sperm transport issues. Can also be related to hormone imbalance, adrenal dysfunction, sperm toxicity, inflammation, and much more. 

How successful are you in treating infertility?  

While some clinics measure their success on a positive pregnancy, my goal is for you to have a healthy baby and for you to have robust and optimal health throughout the process.  I work to ensure that every aspect of your health is supported.  Some of my patients only want natural care.  Some of my patients have already been through conventional evaluation and it has failed.  Some of my patients want both conventional and natural fertility care.  For the majority of my patients, there is something we can do to improve your fertility.

Although my success rate is high, there are certain variables that would require fertility assistance technology, depending on the cause of the infertility.  One example is if there is a physical or anatomical abnormality that we cannot fix with natural medicine alone, then we would need to refer out for IVF, IUI, embryo donation and other assistance on an as-needed basis. Also, if a patient has anovulatory cycles and natural medicine alone cannot solve it, then I refer out for medication induced cycling.

Do you work, coordinate care, and refer with other conventional providers?  

Yes, of course!  I work with patients who are also seeking care from CCRM (Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine), CNY Fertility, Shady Grove Fertility, Conceptions, plus local ob-gyns and primary care doctors.  We work collaboratively and I try to fill in the gaps where needed.  Sometimes I refer out for hormone therapy or medication induced cycles, or fertility assisted treatments including those listed above. I also coordinate care with primary care doctors, specialists, bodyworkers, fertility acupuncturists, pelvic PT specialists, and more. It is case-specific and referrals are tailored specifically to what is going on with you. 

How can I help someone who has unexplained infertility if IVF, IUI, and other infertility reproductive technology hasn't worked? 

I look at the whole person.  I am trying to find the underlying cause.  I like patients who have failed IVF and want the natural approach because they are motivated to improve their fertility health.  There are so many causes of infertility that aren’t always evaluated through conventional fertility care.

What labs do you run that I may need to find the underlying cause of infertility?

I order hormones through blood work and also basic blood work, which can be run through Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, local hospitals, and more. I can order specialty hormone testing including saliva and urine testing, including DUTCH testing and Adrenal Stress Index testing through Diagnostechs.  I assess reproductive hormones, cortisol and adrenal function, thyroid function, inflammatory markers, autoimmune markers, vitamin D, environmental toxicity, mold exposure, viruses, digestive disorders through food sensitivity testing and stool analysis.  I sometimes order genetic testing or coordinate care with a genetic specialist.  

What are your most common naturopathic fertility treatments?

The most basic ones are lifestyle modification including dietary support, self-care techniques, sleep support, stress management support, natural fertility tracking, referrals for bodywork, acupuncture, uterine massage and holistic pelvic care.  I use vitamin, nutrient and botanical supplements, detoxification remedies and homeopathy used to revitalize reproductive health.  I even use traditional remedies that help to stimulate the vitality in those who might be identified as "advanced maternal age." Most of my care is dictated by the symptoms you are presenting with, your medical history and my laboratory findings. Every person’s treatment approach is different.  Based on your progress I may alter your treatment plans from visit to visit.  I follow up with patients monthly.  Most of my patients get pregnant within 3 – 6 months, but I have had many patients who are pregnant within a month. 

How can I make an appointment with you?

I'm happy to get you scheduled!  Feel free to email me directly at and I'm happy to schedule you for a free 15 min consult to see how I can help you.  My prices for visits will be increasing soon, so now is a great time to reach out and I'll help you have a winter, spring or a born-sometime in 2023 baby:) Have a beautiful rest of your day and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

All questions answered by Dr. Rosia Parrish at Naturopathic Wellness Center of Boulder she also has her specialty Thrive Fertility (formerly Boulder Natural Fertility). If you have questions about anything discussed or would like help with your fertility journey, please reach out.