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Musbeh Arslan


Dr. Arslan is a Hair Transplant surgeon who has been practicing in Turkey for more than 13 years. He is a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery’ and performs procedures at his practice Hairmedico.

Musbeh Arslan
Specializes in:
  • General surgery
  • Hair transplant
  • Besiktas / Istanbul, Turquie
  • Accepting new patients

Hair Transplant Surgeon and Nurses Involvement During the Hair Transplant Procedure

Nowadays, hair transplants became a business and this situation is a growing problem. In a lot of clinics, surgeries are performed by assistants and nurses. No hair transplant...

Side Effects After Hair Transplantation

Although hair implant surgery is considered very safe, side effects are possible. They are usually minimal and some can be easily treated with medication prescribed by the hair...

Causes of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss

The causes of hair loss in men vary. Every day, we lose about 50 to 100 hairs. This is a completely natural phenomenon that is an integral part of the hair's life cycle.  However,...

 Beard Transplant: How it works?

Beard Transplant: How it works?

Originally posted on Hairmedico, Dr. Arslan Musbeh's website"Often the patient is requiring from doctors some expectation about the process of the facial hair transplantation...

Hair Transplant Techniques: FUE & FUT

Hair Transplant Techniques: FUE & FUT

FUE Hair Transplant TechniqueThe principle of the FUE (Extraction Follicular Units) Hair transplant technique is to remove the capillary stem (graft) one by one with a micro circular...