Hair Transplant Surgeon and Nurses Involvement During the Hair Transplant Procedure

Musbeh Arslan Surgeon Besiktas / Istanbul, Turquie

Dr. Arslan is a Hair Transplant surgeon who has been practicing in Turkey for more than 13 years. He is a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery’ and performs procedures at his practice Hairmedico.

Nowadays, hair transplants became a business and this situation is a growing problem. In a lot of clinics, surgeries are performed by assistants and nurses. No hair transplant surgeon or licensed physician is present during the procedure. Those clinics have a statue of factories where the patient doesn’t get the process as it should be. The patient must know who will be involved in his procedure.

During the hair transplant procedure, the surgical acts must be performed by a specialist hair transplant surgeon.

Which steps of the hair transplant surgery must be performed by the surgeon:

  • Preoperative consultation and evaluation: tracing and planning of the operation. The doctor must analyze in person the donor area, the quality of the hair, define the hairline according to the face morphology, and estimate the grafts number.
  • The extraction phase in order to control the quality of the grafts, scalp, estimate the rate of single, double, and multiple hairs, and define the diameters of the punches to be used. This phase is recommended to be performed by the surgeon to avoid over-harvesting the donor area.
  • Step of incisions (opening of the channels) by the surgeon and this is an inescapable act. The surgeon only can define the path of hair growth and the placement of the grafts per zone.

The surgeon must take a highly personalized approach to hair restoration, choosing quality over quantity; which means achieving high quality not only in the results but also in the procedure itself. The physician must carry the whole intervention himself (all the surgical acts).

The role of nurses/assistants during the hair transplant surgery is to help the surgeon during the extraction phase as collecting the grafts and placing them into the incisions. The implantation phase is not defined as a surgical act. The nurses transplant the grafts under the supervision of the surgeon. On the other hand, the assistance of the technicians will help the surgeon according to the length of the procedure.

One patient per day will assure the highest level of patient care, safety, and results.