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Sibyl Bence

Chiropractor (Pediatric) | Pediatric Chiropractor

Dr. Sibyl Bence is a Chiropractor practicing in Macomb, MI. Her mission is to provide life changing chiropractic care to families and children in the community so that they can express true health and wellness. Dr. Sibyl's passion is to empower families with the certainty of true health.
5 years Experience
Sibyl Bence
  • Macomb, MI
  • Life University
  • Accepting new patients

Can kids have scoliosis?

Yes kids can have scoliosis, but the great thing about kids is they are still growing and react quickly to changes in their body. Scoliosis is when there is curvatures in the spine READ MORE
Yes kids can have scoliosis, but the great thing about kids is they are still growing and react quickly to changes in their body. Scoliosis is when there is curvatures in the spine that are in places that they shouldn't be. So poor posture doesnt necessarily mean there is a scoliosis present. However, its better to catch things earlier rather than letting them progress. Chiropractic care has good improvements with postural changes.

Is it safe to take a child to the chiropractor?

Absolutely! Chiropractic care is a natural, safe and effective form of health care. It is important to keep the spine in good health since it is part of your central nervous system, READ MORE
Absolutely! Chiropractic care is a natural, safe and effective form of health care. It is important to keep the spine in good health since it is part of your central nervous system, which is the body system that controls everything in your body. We see patients that are anywhere from a day old to 95 years old.