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Ashley Campbell


<p>Dr. Ashley Campbell is a Chiropractor practicing in Centennial, CO. Dr. Campbell specializes in preventing injury and health issues, along with increasing performance and function of the Spine and Nerve System. While improving each patients quality of life, from newborns, kids, athletes, pregnant women, adults and seniors. Common conditions helped include sciatica, neck pain, back pain, headaches, migraines, balance and coordiation issues, difficulty latching, developing abnormally, concentration issues, difficult and high risk pregnancies, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Campbell seeks to help you feel better and perform your best through adjustments of the spine.</p>
14 years Experience
Ashley Campbell
  • Centennial, CO
  • Colorado State University
  • Accepting new patients

Should I see a chiropractor for back pain?

Yes! Pain is the body's way of saying that something needs to change. When pain shows up in the body there is dysfunction and damage that builds up in the spine before pain is READ MORE
Yes! Pain is the body's way of saying that something needs to change. When pain shows up in the body there is dysfunction and damage that builds up in the spine before pain is present. You are so smart for seeking care for your back pain and to choose chiropractic as a drug-free and surgery-free approach to get you better.

Can a chiropractor help babies sleep?

Yes! We help babies and toddlers sleep all the time. Many times the baby is in a state of stress and their body is not able to calm down. In a sense, they feel like a bear is in READ MORE
Yes! We help babies and toddlers sleep all the time. Many times the baby is in a state of stress and their body is not able to calm down. In a sense, they feel like a bear is in the room and they can't relax enough to sleep. With a specific assessment of the spine and nerve system. The chiropractor can find the misaligned vertebra and by performing gentle adjustments to the spine, it resets the nerve system into a state of rest, repair and growth. Allowing the baby to sleep.

Can a chiropractor adjust your hips?

Yes, a Chiropractor can adjust hips. However many times hip pain is actually due to the nerves and muscles to the hip area being compressed and not being able to fire properly. READ MORE
Yes, a Chiropractor can adjust hips. However many times hip pain is actually due to the nerves and muscles to the hip area being compressed and not being able to fire properly. Those nerves are actually in the low back and tail bone. So when the low back and tail bone gets adjusted the hip pain goes away.

What are the dangers of chiropractic care?

Chiropractic is very safe. In fact, statistically, it is safer to get adjusted then to take an aspirin. For your daughter when she visits the chiropractor and receives her first READ MORE
Chiropractic is very safe. In fact, statistically, it is safer to get adjusted then to take an aspirin. For your daughter when she visits the chiropractor and receives her first adjustment she may be a little sore because of her neck pain and from unlocking the misaligned joints. Its nothing she can't handle it will be similar to a muscle sore.

What happens if sciatica is left untreated?

It will only get worse and will eventually start radiating all the way down your left leg to your feet and may even start going down your right leg.

Is a chiropractor a real doctor?

Yes, a chiropractor is a real doctor. Their official title is Doctor of Chiropractic, D.C. Similar to how a Medical Doctor is an M.D. and a Doctor of Dental Surgery is a D.D.S. READ MORE
Yes, a chiropractor is a real doctor. Their official title is Doctor of Chiropractic, D.C. Similar to how a Medical Doctor is an M.D. and a Doctor of Dental Surgery is a D.D.S. Doctors of Chiropractic and Medical Doctors actually take all the same classes their first two years of school and the last two years the classes differ as they both get further into their specialty.

Can a chiropractor be beneficial after childbirth?

Yes chiropractic can help after childbirth. Your body has stretched and changed over the last 9 months to make room for your baby and prepare for birth. Getting adjusted after READ MORE
Yes chiropractic can help after childbirth. Your body has stretched and changed over the last 9 months to make room for your baby and prepare for birth. Getting adjusted after giving birth can help realign your spine and hips back into a good stable position as all your ligaments start to tighten back up. Additionally it can help those areas that feel off because they are misaligned and not as stable as before pregnancy.

What happens when a chiropractor cracks your neck?

When a Chiropractor adjusts your neck, it is because you have a misalignment of your vertebra in neck that needs adjusting to take the pressure off of the nerves in that area and READ MORE
When a Chiropractor adjusts your neck, it is because you have a misalignment of your vertebra in neck that needs adjusting to take the pressure off of the nerves in that area and to get them stimulated to heal and get you better. You may hear some popping noises that is normal and just pressure being released and arthritis breaking up. Sometimes it sounds loud but that is just because your ears are so close to the are being adjusted.,

Is it ok for a chiropractor to crack your spine?

Not sure what you mean by crack, but it is ok for a chiropractor is adjust your spine that is their specialty and it is ok if that adjustment makes noise, that is pressure being READ MORE
Not sure what you mean by crack, but it is ok for a chiropractor is adjust your spine that is their specialty and it is ok if that adjustment makes noise, that is pressure being released from the spine and the adjustment breaking up any arthritis that may be forming.

Is it necessary to see a chiropractor 3 times a week?

It is common to have someone come in 3 or more times a week depending on what is going on. The reason being is that your spine and the muscles surrounding your spine need to be READ MORE
It is common to have someone come in 3 or more times a week depending on what is going on. The reason being is that your spine and the muscles surrounding your spine need to be retrained into a new position that they have not held before. Similar to getting in better shape and working out. When you begin you have to go several times a week to break down and build new muscle. Then once you have gained the results you want it doesn't take as much time to maintain the results. Your spine works the same way.

Can a chiropractor help a herniated cervical disc?

Yes. A Chiropractor can help with a cervical herniated disc. The reason the disc is herniated is because there is unequal pressure from the two vertebra the disc is sandwiched READ MORE
Yes. A Chiropractor can help with a cervical herniated disc. The reason the disc is herniated is because there is unequal pressure from the two vertebra the disc is sandwiched between. By getting adjustments it will help re-align the vertebra and get the pressure off of the disc and off of the nerves the disc is pushing on.

How long does a chiropractic session last?

A first visit in my office lasts 30 minutes max. Every visit after that, we have patients in and out and on with their day in 10 minutes or less.