“What are the dangers of chiropractic care?”
I want my teenage daughter to have an adjustment for neck pain. What are the dangers of chiropractic care?
16 Answers
No danger, so much safer than drugs or surgery. I see a lot of children of all ages and get fantastic results. Young people usually respond really well.
There are no document danger of chiropractic as long as the treatments are done by a trained and licensed Doctor of Chiropractic. Never have an unlicensed individual adjust any part of your body. The exception to this statement is in the case of malpractice.
Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise. Current literature shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation typically fades within 24 hours.
Chiropractic adjustment is safe when it's performed by someone trained and licensed to deliver chiropractic care. Serious complications associated with chiropractic adjustment are overall rare, but may include: A herniated disk or a worsening of an existing disk herniation.
The risks of chiropractic care are virtually nothing IF you have a qualified doctor in whom you trust is making the best decisions for you and your case. Comparative to other professions (medicine for example) chiropractic is significantly safer. Unless your daughter has a specific condition where chiropractic care (adjustments) is contraindicated, she sounds like a perfect candidate for treatment.
Start with a doctor that utilizes X-ray in his/her clinic and just begin with getting her spine examined. Many techniques can be used to adjust the spine as well, with lots of them being extremely light force. I have 101 year old patients that love their adjustments. Chiropractic can be modified to fit the needs of even the youngest, oldest, most damaged patient. That is why it is so great!
Best of luck!
Dr. Brandon Buttry
CEO | Chiropractor at OneHealth Chiropractic
A 838 W. Drake Road | Suite 105
P (970) 294-4197 <tel:(970)%20294-4197>
E brandon.buttry.dc@outlook.com <mailto:brandon.buttry.dc@outlook.com>
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Start with a doctor that utilizes X-ray in his/her clinic and just begin with getting her spine examined. Many techniques can be used to adjust the spine as well, with lots of them being extremely light force. I have 101 year old patients that love their adjustments. Chiropractic can be modified to fit the needs of even the youngest, oldest, most damaged patient. That is why it is so great!
Best of luck!
Dr. Brandon Buttry
CEO | Chiropractor at OneHealth Chiropractic
A 838 W. Drake Road | Suite 105
P (970) 294-4197 <tel:(970)%20294-4197>
E brandon.buttry.dc@outlook.com <mailto:brandon.buttry.dc@outlook.com>
W onehealthchiro.com <http://onehealthchiro.com>
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With a patient of that age the probability of injury is almost non-existent. As with any patient the doctor should do a thorough exam including x-rays to rule out any underlying condition that would contraindicate manual manipulation. As long he or she follows those guidelines your daughter should be fine.
Yours in health,
Doc J
From: FATD Patient Questions
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Yours in health,
Doc J
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For a teenager, that [it] will correct the structural problem, restore nerve impulse to the muscles, remove spasms and inflammation, restore homeostasis, improve/correct posture, increase confidence, focus, attention, and improve well-being, etc.
Chiropractors have the lowest malpractice of all providers because it’s one of the safest forms of treatment. Even over the counter medication carries much greater risks. However people with preexisting conditions may have a 1 in 2-5 million chance of experiencing a vertebral artery injury.
Chiropractic treatment is very low risk in general.. when treating neck pain it’s important to take a very thorough history on the patient along with an exam and usually along with x-rays to see if there is any structural changes in the cervical spine . Once patient is evaluated a treatment plan is created to treat the patient depending on the doctors findings.
In my 35 years of practice, I never have seen a major problem due to a neck adjustment. While statistics point to one in a million may react to cervical manipulation, it isn't part of my reality. It is important to be thorough in the history and evaluation to determine if the patient is not a candidate for chiropractic care. Although any medical procedure may carry a risk, spinal manipulation is the least risk feasible.
There is very, very little risk to your daughter getting adjusted. Chiropractors have one of the lowest malpractice costs of any doctors, just to give you a little comfort of how safe it is.
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Chiropractic is very safe. In fact, statistically, it is safer to get adjusted then to take an aspirin. For your daughter when she visits the chiropractor and receives her first adjustment she may be a little sore because of her neck pain and from unlocking the misaligned joints. Its nothing she can't handle it will be similar to a muscle sore.
Chiropractic care is one of the safest approaches to health care. If there is any fear, just have the chiropractor go through what they are going to do and why before each treatment session.
Any adverse reactions to Chiropractic care are very rare, however, introducing any force into the body, even corrective forces, have risks. They include muscle strain, ligament sprain, disc herniation, vertebral fracture, dislocation, cervical myelopathy. I personally have treated thousands of patients and never had any of these occur. If you are concerned, speak to the Chiropractor before her adjustment and they may modify the treatment to a non-force technique.