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Mike Burger


Dr. Mike Burger is an Addiction Medicine Physician in Leonardtown, MD. Dr. Burger evaluates patients using many different procedures, in order to determine what treatments must be carried out in order to properly assess their symptoms. Addiction Medicine Physicians provide medical care in addition to consultation for each patient and their families.
Mike Burger
  • Leonardtown, MD
  • Accepting new patients

Can therapy cause more anxiety?

Yes it can. Sometimes during the process of therapy you find out things you did not realize and your anxiety can increase temporarily. The therapist will work with you and will READ MORE
Yes it can. Sometimes during the process of therapy you find out things you did not realize and your anxiety can increase temporarily. The therapist will work with you and will help you reduce your anxiety. The increase in anxiety is short-term and will not last.

How do I explain being pansexual?

Explaining pansexuality to friends and family who may not be familiar with the term can be an important step in promoting understanding and acceptance. Here are some steps and READ MORE
Explaining pansexuality to friends and family who may not be familiar with the term can be an important step in promoting understanding and acceptance. Here are some steps and points you can use to explain pansexuality:
1. Start with a simple definition: Begin by giving a straightforward definition of pansexuality. You can say something like, "Being pansexual means that a person can be attracted to individuals regardless of their gender or gender identity."
2. Emphasize inclusivity: Explain that pansexuality is about being attracted to people based on their personality, emotional connection, and other individual qualities, rather than being limited by traditional gender categories.
3. Difference from bisexuality: Address any potential confusion with bisexuality. While bisexuality refers to being attracted to two or more genders, pansexuality goes beyond the binary understanding of gender and includes all genders.
4. Highlight love and emotions: Emphasize that pansexual individuals can experience love and emotional connections with people of various gender identities, and their capacity to form deep and meaningful relationships is not limited by gender.
5. Normalize pansexuality: Reassure your friends and family that pansexuality is a valid and natural sexual orientation, just like any other, and it's not something that needs to be "fixed" or changed.
6. Share personal experiences: If you feel comfortable, sharing your own experiences or stories of pansexual individuals who are happy and fulfilled in their relationships can help humanize the concept and dispel misconceptions.
7. Provide resources: Offer resources such as articles, websites, or books that delve deeper into pansexuality. This can give your friends and family the opportunity to educate themselves further.
8. Be patient and open to questions: Understand that some people may need time to process and understand the concept fully. Encourage them to ask questions and be patient with any misunderstandings or misconceptions they may have.
9. Express the importance of support: Let your friends and family know that your sexuality is an essential part of who you are, and their understanding and acceptance mean a lot to you.
10. Offer to talk more: Tell your friends and family that you are open to discussing the topic further and that you are willing to address any concerns or questions they may have in the future.
Remember that coming out and explaining your sexuality to loved ones can be a vulnerable experience. Surround yourself with supportive friends or allies who can offer emotional support during this process. Additionally, consider seeking support from LGBTQ+ support groups or organizations that can provide guidance and resources for both you and your loved ones.
Sexual orientation is a deeply personal and individual aspect of a person's identity, and only you can truly understand and define it for yourself.
The terms "pansexual" and "bisexual" are both sexual orientations, but they have distinct meanings. Pansexuality and bisexuality are often grouped together under the broader umbrella of "multisexual" orientations, as they involve attraction to more than one gender. However, they differ in how they define that attraction:
Bisexuality: Traditionally, bisexuality has been understood as an attraction to two or more genders. Some people who identify as bisexual may be attracted to both genders’ binary (male and female), while others may be attracted to people of various genders, including non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, and more.
Pansexuality: Pansexuality, on the other hand, is a more inclusive term. It refers to the attraction to individuals regardless of their gender or gender identity. Pansexual individuals are open to emotional, romantic, or sexual connections with people of all gender identities, recognizing that gender does not play a role in their capacity to form intimate relationships.
If you identify as pansexual, it means that you experience attraction to people beyond the constraints of traditional gender categories. You may feel that gender is not a determining factor in your romantic or sexual connections, and you are open to forming relationships with individuals of diverse gender identities.
It's important to remember that sexual orientation is a spectrum, and people may use different labels to describe their unique experiences of attraction. The most crucial aspect is that you choose the label that feels most authentic and comfortable to you. There is no right or wrong way to identify; the goal is to find a term that resonates with your feelings and experiences.

Alcohol withdrawal

I am not a medical professional, but I can provide some general information. If you have been consuming one alcoholic beverage every night and decide to quit, it is possible that READ MORE
I am not a medical professional, but I can provide some general information. If you have been consuming one alcoholic beverage every night and decide to quit, it is possible that you may experience some alcohol withdrawal symptoms, even though your alcohol consumption is relatively moderate.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on various factors, including the frequency and amount of alcohol consumed, individual differences in metabolism, and overall health.
It's important to note that alcohol withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe, and in some cases, severe withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. Severe withdrawal symptoms are more commonly associated with heavy and prolonged alcohol use, but they can still occur in some cases of moderate drinking.
If you are concerned about alcohol withdrawal or are planning to quit drinking, it is crucial to seek guidance and support from a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice, monitor your health during the process, and, if necessary, recommend appropriate interventions or medications to manage withdrawal symptoms safely.
Quitting alcohol can have various health benefits, but it's essential to do so in a controlled and informed manner, especially if you have been drinking regularly. Always consult a healthcare professional to discuss your specific situation and receive proper guidance and support during the process of quitting alcohol.

What therapy is effective with schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia necessitates a multifaceted approach to treatment, encompassing medication, psychological counseling, and social support. It is a mental disorder characterized by READ MORE
Schizophrenia necessitates a multifaceted approach to treatment, encompassing medication, psychological counseling, and social support. It is a mental disorder characterized by a disconnection between mental activity and reality, accompanied by cognitive and emotional difficulties. While a complete cure for this condition is generally challenging, a combination of psychological and medicinal interventions has proven effective. The primary medications employed for treating schizophrenia are known as antipsychotics, which tend to be effective in managing the symptoms. Various therapeutic methods have been found to be beneficial in managing schizophrenia, some of which are as follows: 1. Psychotherapy (Talk Therapy): This involves communication with a mental health professional like a psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist, wherein problem areas of one's life are discussed, and strategies for coping with stress are learned. Many of the therapies listed below are forms of talk therapy, and even those that aren't incorporate talk therapy to some extent. 2. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): This treatment helps individuals modify their thought processes and reactions to stimuli, empowering them to control their emotions. It equips them with lifelong skills, enabling them to ignore intrusive thoughts and voices and gain a better understanding of their reality. 3. Family Therapy: Particularly crucial for those with schizophrenia, family therapy involves discussing issues that affect the entire family unit. The focus lies on recurring problems, exploring various approaches for handling them in the future, and devising a mutual plan. 4. Psychosocial Therapy: This treatment teaches patients how to manage stress effectively and provides tools to mitigate stress triggers in the future, thereby meeting some of their mental health needs. 5. Support Groups: Bringing together individuals facing similar challenges, support groups foster a sense of camaraderie, reducing feelings of isolation. Participants discuss their issues and share successes while also receiving advice on managing schizophrenia symptoms. 6. Peer-to-Peer Counseling: This type of support comes from individuals who also have schizophrenia and can offer valuable advice and share their personal experiences. The aim is to foster connections through shared experiences. 7. Occupational Therapy (OT): Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of OT in alleviating symptoms of schizophrenia. Unlike other therapies, OT concentrates on improving day-to-day tasks and engaging in enjoyable activities like arts and crafts.

How can I control my emotions in the moment?

The first step is to become aware when you are becoming emotional. Then decide how you want to proceed, walk away if the emotion is too strong to control or manage it in the moment. READ MORE
The first step is to become aware when you are becoming emotional. Then decide how you want to proceed, walk away if the emotion is too strong to control or manage it in the moment. You can also give yourself time throughout the day to express and experience all the emotions you have been experiencing that day.

Does counseling work for anxiety?

Yes counseling works for anxiety.

How long can you stay on fluoxetine?

You can stay on it as long as you want. You should stay on it for at least a year and take it at the same time everyday. If you decide to have a child or are consuming alcohol READ MORE
You can stay on it as long as you want. You should stay on it for at least a year and take it at the same time everyday. If you decide to have a child or are consuming alcohol daily, you may want to stop taking it.

What is the best treatment for social anxiety?

The most effective way to treat anxiety is with exposure. Begin slowly by talking with one or two others and work your way up to a crowd. You could also join an organization such READ MORE
The most effective way to treat anxiety is with exposure. Begin slowly by talking with one or two others and work your way up to a crowd. You could also join an organization such as toast masters.

How do you release stress and anger?

Anger is interesting in the fact that it is a masking emotion. We rather feel anger instead of some other emotion. One thing I normally like to do is to find out, why anger? What READ MORE
Anger is interesting in the fact that it is a masking emotion. We rather feel anger instead of some other emotion. One thing I normally like to do is to find out, why anger? What is it that is leading to anger? Doing so can help to reduce the amount of anger you feel as well as increase you tolerance for uncomfortable emotions. Now to release anger in a healthy way, exercise is ideal. You can also write about your anger and get out what you want to say. To help manage anger, sleep, stress management, and having fun will help. To manage stress, first identify what the stressors are. Oftentimes, it is our perceptions that stress us out. Once you have identified your stressors, see what can be done to reduce the amount of stress you have. To manage stress, exercise and having fun, as well as laughing will help. Getting enough sleep is also important.

How to fix our marriage and prevent divorce?

Relationships are about communication. Why does your wife want the divorce? What about the marriage is making her unhappy? Relationships require two people to be fully present READ MORE
Relationships are about communication. Why does your wife want the divorce? What about the marriage is making her unhappy? Relationships require two people to be fully present and willing to work. You said that you want to work on the marriage but does she? Finding out the answers to these questions will let you know if you can save the marriage. If so, going to a marriage counselor is recommended. You may also want to get your own individual counselor. An individual counselor may be beneficial for you regardless because they will be able to help you through this situation.

Are there any non medical remedies for depression?

In answer to your question, yes. There are a few things you can do. Exercise, socializing, proper nutrition, and rest all help. The way I look at depression is like a virus, its READ MORE
In answer to your question, yes. There are a few things you can do. Exercise, socializing, proper nutrition, and rest all help. The way I look at depression is like a virus, its something that just has to be gone through. Now if the depression last for a while, say over three weeks without improvement, a short-term medication may be needed.

Should I see a psychologist for my nightmares?

The answer is yes. Both options could be helpful depending on what you want to do. The nightmares could be your mind trying to process an event. It may be a side effect of a medication. READ MORE
The answer is yes. Both options could be helpful depending on what you want to do. The nightmares could be your mind trying to process an event. It may be a side effect of a medication. Either way, both those options could work depending on what you want to do.

Can a couple attend anger counseling together?

It would be best to do anger counseling separately. You may want to do couples counseling in addition to anger counseling.

Will my depression go on its own?

It depends. If you have had depression throughout your life then yes a doctor visit could be helpful. If this is your first time dealing with depression it may go away on it's READ MORE
It depends. If you have had depression throughout your life then yes a doctor visit could be helpful. If this is your first time dealing with depression it may go away on it's own. Either way if the depression lasts for over two weeks, talking to a professional could be helpful.