When Can You Eat Normal Foods After Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Sumit Sehgal Dentist Jamaica, NY

Dr. Sumit Sehgal is a general dentist in Jamaica, Queens. He performs medical treatments for oral problems and teeth related issues. He has experience in taking care of teeth and perform various dental services, including dental exam or cleaning, composite restoration filling, implant crown and bridges, root canal treatment,... more

Most wisdom teeth will emerge out of the gums at a certain age. They can cause a lot of pain and discomfort while chewing food and sometimes even opening your mouth. Wisdom teeth mainly develop on the last row also known as molar teeth and sometimes become intolerable due to intense pain. This can affect your day-to-day life. 

If you cannot bear the pain anymore, the best option is to have the tooth permanently removed from the roots. This will create some soreness for a few days, as you will not be not able to eat food, but you will have permanent relief from the pain and enjoy pain-free chewing. 

Most people wonder before surgery, when can you eat solid food after wisdom teeth surgery? So, depending on your tooth extraction and wounds due to tooth removal, it will take a few days to recover and eat solid foods without any problem.

For at least 24 hours you should only consume liquids. Make sure to avoid hot drinks like tea, coffee or hot soup. Consume only cold items like cold drinks, ice cream and fruit juice. It will not provide you much energy, but it will not hurt your tooth extracted area.

When Can You Eat After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

After 24-hours, you can have soup or solid items in liquid state, as biting or chewing hard materials will increase your pain and cause other problems. So, for four to five days, avoid solid foods and allow your mouth to fully recover from the tooth extraction. 

To be fully recovered, you should be taking antibiotics to treat the wounds. Meanwhile, if there is any problem or you feel excessive pain visit your dentist in Jamaica and have a dental checkup. It may take a few extra days to heal if your wounds needs it. 

You will know if something isn't right if you still have trouble eating and feel pain over a week later. Once you are fully recovered there should be no pain. Also, after having teeth removed you may need tooth implants. Tooth implants involves the process of installing new teeth, it has a similar texture and strength, making it easier for you to chew.