What to Do If You Have No Menstruation?
As a leading gynecologist at the gynecology center in NYC, he provides highly personalized and comprehensive gynecological care to patients in New York City and surrounding areas. His philosophy regarding the doctor/patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him the trust of his patients. Dr. Mariz was very active... more
Usually, the absence of periods is explained by pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause. But what if a young woman has not had sex for a long time or several pregnancy tests are negative? It can be a sign of an irregular menstrual cycle if there are no periods for a month or two. Absent menstruation for three months in a row is called amenorrhea. This condition is not a disease itself, but a symptom of other malfunctions in the reproductive system. That is why a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.
Secondary symptoms of amenorrhea
Except for lack of menstrual bleeding, women may experience loss of hair on the head and excessive facial hair. Nipples may become milky. Among other symptoms, there’re headaches, acne, pain in the pelvis, and changes of vision.
What are the types of amenorrhea?
Depending on whether a girl has had her first menstruation or not, there is primary and secondary amenorrhea.
Primary amenorrhea
Normally girls start menstruating during puberty at the age of 11-15. No periods after 16 is called primary amenorrhea and it is the reason to see a gynecologist.
Secondary amenorrhea
This condition occurs in women who had menstruations before. Only 3-5% of women meet amenorrhea due to some underlying reasons except pregnancy or breastfeeding.
What are the causes of amenorrhea?
The reasons for absent menstruations may vary and they are as follows:
Causes of primary amenorrhea
This condition may be genetic, so your gynecologist should check on your family history. Genetical abnormalities may include:
- Turner’s Syndrome
A partial or complete absence of X-chromosome which defines female sex.
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Excessive levels of testosterone.
Reproductive organs haven’t formed properly, so the menstruation is impossible.
Except for genetic reasons, there can be malfunctions of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland which produce too low levels of estrogen and progesterone. Intense physical training, stress, and an imbalanced diet may interfere with the work of those glands.
Causes of secondary amenorrhea
Sometimes hormonal drugs may be the reason for menstruation absence. Especially, when a woman forgets about taking her pills or she suddenly decides to stop taking them at all. Implanted and injected contraceptives are also in that team.
- Malnutrition, eating disorders and stress
Lack of vitamins and minerals affects the hormonal balance. The same is about quickly losing or gaining weight. Changes in a lifestyle may restore reproductive health.
- Intense training
Almost half of those women who practice sports have experienced menstrual disorders at least once. That is because excessive physical activity affects how the hypothalamus works.
- Medications
Drugs that refer to the categories of antipsychotics and antidepressants interfere with the hormone level. Some allergy and blood pressure medications can also be the reason. Chemotherapy for gynecologic or hematologic cancer may destroy some estrogen cells and eggs in the ovaries, but the menstrual cycle restores with time.
That condition implies a high androgen level and is present in 6-8% of women. Excessive androgen stimulates the growth of cysts in the ovaries and interferes with ovulation. PCOS treatment helps to bring your reproductive health back.
- Fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI)
Sometimes menopause may occur before the age of 40. This condition is genetic and deals with X-chromosome mutations.
- Thyroid dysfunction
This gland is situated in the neck and controls the metabolism in the human body. Any violation of hormone production can cause menstruation cycle disorders
- Pituitary gland problems
Tumors on that gland have a negative impact on the hormone production.
Treatment for amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea may resolve with time if late puberty is inherent to your family members. Hormonal therapy is prescribed when the work of glands is incorrect. Reproductive organ malfunctions caused by genetic diseases are cured surgically.
Secondary amenorrhea is treated according to those factors that caused the menstrual disorder. A gynecologist prescribes the proper treatment according to the actual diagnosis. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stress revelation can prevent amenorrhea and many other human diseases.