3D Bunion Correction

Dr. David Cheskis is a podiatrist practicing in Manhasset, NY as well as Queens, NY. His training at NYU Langone Health under a collective of renowned Podiatric and Orthopedic Surgeons rewarded Dr. Cheskis with in-depth training of the latest and most effective conservative and surgical treatment choices for foot and ankle... more
Lapiplasty, you can’t beat the correction!
You might have seen an AD on your Facebook, Instagram, or television. Lapiplasty is all the rage, but it is not just a fad, it has top-notch clinical data to support its results. Peer-reviewed studies that were studied on thousands of feet demonstrate fantastic results. To our patients, I want to admit I have been seeing these amazing results firsthand. As more evidence comes out on bunions, it is clear that if there is a 3D component to the deformity, it must be corrected!
This can be determined through an exam in the office and with the use of our digital x-rays, we will perform during your consultation visit. Hypermobility in the midfoot is also not addressed in more traditional procedures but is a major contributor to recurrence. Recurrence of your bunion is something all surgeons and patients dread, nobody wants to go through surgery twice.
The Lapiplasty is an efficient system, allowing anatomic correction in all 3 planes of deformity, in a reproducible manner, every time. It is the most popular bunion system in America and is even being used by surgeons in topline orthopedic institutions like HSS.
Schedule a consultation for your painful bunion, with me or one of our other Lapiplasty affiliated surgeons. Whether you are 16 or 75, we will determine if you are a candidate.