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Kristin Baines

Speech-Language Pathologist

Kristin Baines, MA, CCC-SLP, is a speech-language pathologist practicing in Walnut Creek and Roseville, CA. Ms. Baines specializes in speech, language, reading and fluency (stuttering) disorders in children and adults. She is a known stuttering specialist and early developmental specialist in Northern California. As a speech language pathologist, Dr. Baines evaluates, diagnoses, and treats patients with language processing disorders, expressive language disorders, late talkers, stuttering, speech articulation disorders, apraxia, dysarthria, language comprehension disorders, reading delays/disorders, and social pragmatic disorders. Ms. Baines also helps individuals with accent reduction and overall speech intelligibility issues to speak more clearly and to be better understood. She also provides parent coaching to help families create a more positive and peaceful home environment. Ms. Baines has 25 years of experience treating individuals of all ages with a variety of speech/language disorders. 
27 years Experience
Kristin Baines
  • Roseville, CA
  • Univ. of Colorado-Boulder
  • Accepting new patients

Do children eventually outgrow a lisp?

Some outgrow an interdental lisp and some don't. Usually, kids need some therapy to learn to place the tongue in the correct position for speech and swallowing. You may need to READ MORE
Some outgrow an interdental lisp and some don't. Usually, kids need some therapy to learn to place the tongue in the correct position for speech and swallowing. You may need to look into palatal expansion for the tongue to rest in the correct position along the roof of the mouth. Talk to your dentist and talk to your pediatrician for a referral for a speech-language evaluation with an oral-myofunctional or oral-motor specialist (speech-language pathologist). But it depends on the age. You can wait until the child is at least 5 or 6.

When should I worry about my child not talking?

Some kids don't talk until they are a little bit older, but if he isn't making many sound, you might want to start the process of a setting up a speech-language evaluation and READ MORE
Some kids don't talk until they are a little bit older, but if he isn't making many sound, you might want to start the process of a setting up a speech-language evaluation and maybe getting a little therapy to jump start the speech development. Go to for more information and have your pediatrician help you get a referral for an evaluation.

What's the difference between a stammer and stutter?

They are interchangeable. Stammer is typically the British term for stuttering.

What is making my speech patterns change?

Without knowing your medical history, I can't give you a thorough answer here. If you're concerned, speak with your doctor for a referral to a speech-language pathologist. You READ MORE
Without knowing your medical history, I can't give you a thorough answer here. If you're concerned, speak with your doctor for a referral to a speech-language pathologist. You may need to consult neurology, but, again, without knowing your history, it's difficult to answer.

Can an adult see a speech pathologist?

Speech-language pathologists can work with anyone at any age. Contact for more information.

When should you take your child to a speech pathologist?

He needs to be evaluated by a speech-language pathologist. You can get a free evaluation through your local school district. Contact your local school or district and ask them READ MORE
He needs to be evaluated by a speech-language pathologist. You can get a free evaluation through your local school district. Contact your local school or district and ask them to evaluate your child. You may need to send a letter or an email to the head of special services or special education because they oversee the speech program. Your child does not need to be enrolled in school to be evaluated. They will likely offer therapy once they finish the evaluation. You also can call your insurance and see if they will help you get a speech-language evaluation.

What are the treatment options for dyslexia?

Dyslexia is trouble understanding the orthographic patterns of a language in order to read and spell. Four-year-olds aren't expected to be able to read and spell yet and should READ MORE
Dyslexia is trouble understanding the orthographic patterns of a language in order to read and spell. Four-year-olds aren't expected to be able to read and spell yet and should not be diagnosed with dyslexia or any reading or spelling disorder yet. That's very premature.

My son stutters with certain letters, how do I help him?

You can find good information on stuttering from The Stuttering Foundation: There is a video and book for parents of the preschool child who stutters with god READ MORE
You can find good information on stuttering from The Stuttering Foundation: There is a video and book for parents of the preschool child who stutters with god information there. I recommend accessing those resources before you look for a speech therapist (speech-language pathologist). Its helpful if you wait when your child is speaking to give them time to finish what they are saying without feeling pressured or like they will be interrupted, but dont allow them to interrupt you if youre talking. Healthy turn taking when talking is important to establish. Try to make time to talk with your child dailyand listen patiently. But if you cant listen, its okay to tell them its not a good time (when youre driving, cooking, or doing a task that requires your undivided attention). Also, if you can model slow, relaxed speech with lots of pausing, that will help your child speak more easily (but please do not ask them to slow down, take a breath, think about what they are going to say). Try to limit too many questions and any language performance demands right now. Be comfortable being together without needing to talk. Enjoy being together doing relaxed activities as much as you cangoing for a walk outside, spending time in the garden, drawing/doodling together or even watching a show (one that isnt over-stimulating). And it might be good to slow the overall pace of your life right nowdont sign up for too many extracurricular activities, so no to any over scheduling right now, and allow extra time to transition from activity to activity so there is no rushing around if you can. I would not recommend starting therapy unless its with a speech-language pathologist who specializes in stuttering therapy. And I definitly wouldnt start therapy focusing on bumpy and smooth unless its Lidcombe therapy. If you live in California, I can do virtual therapy on zoom with you if you would like. But maybe try these changes I suggest first and see how it goes. I hope this is helpful.

My daughter has somewhat of a his when she talks. How can it be corrected?

You can seek a speech/language evaluation through your public school (it's free) and/or through your medical insurance. Speech/language evaluations are usually covered. Just call READ MORE
You can seek a speech/language evaluation through your public school (it's free) and/or through your medical insurance. Speech/language evaluations are usually covered. Just call them and find out how to do it. Both evaluations will determine if your daughter is eligible for therapy. I usually start working on lisps or tongue thrusts or s, sh, ch, j distortions around 5 or 6.

Why is my 3 year old only saying a few words?

Definitely seek a speech/language evaluation for her. Your insurance should cover it, but you also can get a free evaluation through your public school district now that she is READ MORE
Definitely seek a speech/language evaluation for her. Your insurance should cover it, but you also can get a free evaluation through your public school district now that she is three (and she doesn't need to be going to school yet to be evaluated). You can talk to your doctor for a referral.

Can puberphonia be corrected with speech therapy?

Look for a speech-language pathologist who specializes in voice therapy. I am not a voice specialist, but there are many who do this type of therapy. You will need an evaluation READ MORE
Look for a speech-language pathologist who specializes in voice therapy. I am not a voice specialist, but there are many who do this type of therapy. You will need an evaluation first. Call your medical insurance and see how to go about getting an evaluation/assessment.

Do I have dysphonia?

There could be a number of causes. Start with your primary care physician. You might get a referral to an ENT and/or a speech/language pathologist who treats voice issues. Are READ MORE
There could be a number of causes. Start with your primary care physician. You might get a referral to an ENT and/or a speech/language pathologist who treats voice issues. Are you having any trouble swallowing. You might need a swallow study to rule out other issues. But if it's just voice, start with primary care doctor, then possible ENT, then possibly a speech-language pathologist who specializes in voice evaluations and therapy. Call your medical insurance to see who is in network for you or you can pay privately and go out of network.

Should I be worried if my 16-month-old isn't talking?

Does your child attempt to communicate nonverbally and understand what you are saying to her? Have you had her hearing evaluated? Talk with your pediatrician to schedule a hearing READ MORE
Does your child attempt to communicate nonverbally and understand what you are saying to her? Have you had her hearing evaluated? Talk with your pediatrician to schedule a hearing evaluation and get a referral for a speech/language evaluation to rule out a delay. The early head start program in California (Regional Center) offers free evaluations and therapy for children under three years of age. You also can call your medical insurance to see if speech and language evaluations are covered.

How treatable is stuttering?

Stuttering is my specialty area. There is a lot that can be done for stuttering. I never tell anyone that they will stutter the rest of their lives because we don't know that for READ MORE
Stuttering is my specialty area. There is a lot that can be done for stuttering. I never tell anyone that they will stutter the rest of their lives because we don't know that for sure. But be wary of therapists who promise 'a cure." I help children and adults with their stuttering. I would be happy to work with you. You can visit the Stuttering Foundation website to research causes and treatments ( Let me know if I can help.

My son still can't pronounce his "r's" properly. Would therapy help him?

If your son still isn't pronouncing his R sounds by 8 years of age, it might be a good idea to get him assessed and start some therapy. If he is in public school, you can request READ MORE
If your son still isn't pronouncing his R sounds by 8 years of age, it might be a good idea to get him assessed and start some therapy. If he is in public school, you can request a speech/language assessment and they can provide therapy if he qualifies. Sometimes insurance will cover articulation therapy, but you have to start with an evaluation to determine eligibility. You also can seek help with a private speech-language pathologist.

When should I take my daughter to a doctor for late talking?

She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. READ MORE
She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. She may need some speech and language therapy so start with an evaluation.

Is late talking a problem?

Talk to your doctor for a referral to a licensed speech-language pathologist for an evaluation. You also can get a free evaluation through your local school district when your READ MORE
Talk to your doctor for a referral to a licensed speech-language pathologist for an evaluation. You also can get a free evaluation through your local school district when your child is three. Before age three, here in California, we have the early head start program that does evaluations and therapy until age three. After three, you go through your school district. You also can see what is covered by your medical insurance for more therapy.

Can a speech delay be fixed?

She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. READ MORE
She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. She may need some speech and language therapy so start with an evaluation.

Will speech delay fix on its own?

She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. READ MORE
She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. She may need some speech and language therapy so start with an evaluation.

How do you fix a stuttering speech?

Visit for information about causes and treatment of stuttering.