Speech Pathologists Questions Speech and Communication Disorders

When should you take your child to a speech pathologist?

My son is 4 years old and can only say a few words. Should I take him to a speech pathologist or wait?

11 Answers

He needs to be evaluated by a speech-language pathologist. You can get a free evaluation through your local school district. Contact your local school or district and ask them to evaluate your child. You may need to send a letter or an email to the head of special services or special education because they oversee the speech program. Your child does not need to be enrolled in school to be evaluated. They will likely offer therapy once they finish the evaluation. You also can call your insurance and see if they will help you get a speech-language evaluation.
You should take him now. At age one, children should be using single words. If he is only using a few words now, he should be evaluated so the speech language pathologist can determine how best to help him develop his expressive language skills and what the next step should be.
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Please consult SLP for a full speech/language evaluation as soon as you can. Preference for specialization in pediatric developmental language
Yes, as soon as possible. A child of four should be carrying on a conversation. Please don’t wait.
Good luck.

Yes, you should take your son to see a speech pathologist. Ask for an evaluation to help determine his areas of needs. It sounds like he presents with speech delay.

Yes, you should inform his pediatrician and follow up with a speech language evaluation.
Stay home.

Rachel L. Mann, M.A. CCC-SLP
YES. I strongly recommend he get an SLP evaluation ASAP.
Don’t wait any longer
Take him as soon as possible. You want to make sure he is able to communicate his wants and needs before school enrollment.
By 2 years old children typically have a " language explosion" were they are saying at least 200 words spontaneously. If your child is saying less than this at 4 years old your should contact your local school district or pediatrician for contact information and a referral source. Early intervention is key to long term success, the earlier you can get your son help (if needed), the better!
Yes, take him to a speech pathologist and check in with your pediatrician!

Ali Matisse, MS CCC-SLP