5 Natural Ways to Understand, Integrate, and Alleviate Pain

Lianna Hunt Chiropractor Encinitas, CA

Dr. Lianna Hunt is a Doctor of Chiropractic practicing in Encinitas and Southern California.

The brain/nervous system mediates our internal and external environments. Pain is signaled to and from the brain allowing us to know our physical body is changing. Congenital insensitivity to pain is a condition in which an individual cannot perceive pain, which can lead to various injuries and health conditions.
Without pain, we would have no insight into what supports us and what hinders us.

Pain guides us to:

  • Understand the human body physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • Integrate information about our bodies to improve our quality of life.
  • Solutions, lifestyle changes, and healing modalities to alleviate unneeded pain.

Here are 5 natural ways to understand, integrate, and alleviate pain:

One. Sitting in solitude can connect us with the pain we are experiencing to understand the root of it.

Two. Journaling about the pain can give us insight as to how long it’s been there, when did it start, do you experience it every day, what helps it, and what makes it worse.

Three. Listening to Solfeggio Frequencies to alter brain wavelengths can enhance the healing ability of the body.

Four. Utilizing sound healing therapies and Reiki can guide the nervous system into a deeper state of awareness to allow the pain to be processed.

Five. Contacting and connecting with various healers or practitioners to provide guidance and solutions.