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Lianna Hunt


Dr. Lianna Hunt is a Doctor of Chiropractic practicing in Encinitas and Southern California.
10 years Experience
Lianna Hunt
Specializes in:
  • Chiropractor
  • Encinitas, CA
  • Iowa State University
  • Accepting new patients

5 Natural Ways to Understand, Integrate, and Alleviate Pain

The brain/nervous system mediates our internal and external environments. Pain is signaled to and from the brain allowing us to know our physical body is changing. Congenital...

Top 3 Ways to Adapt to Life’s Stressors

Stress creates you however, it may also be a part of what may hinder you from experiencing a quality life. Stress (whether this is mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, or chemical)...

Top 3 Reasons to Seek Perinatal Chiropractic Care

Perinatal chiropractic is a gentle and effective healing modality to aid the mother and the fetus. Throughout 9 months, each will experience subtle shifts. Within these shifts,...

Top 5 Experiences of a Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic is a gentle and effective therapy that allows you to release, process, and integrate stored information. The World Federation of Chiropractic’s definition describes...

Heal Your Pain and Live a Quality Life

Pain is a sensation felt by everyone. The nervous system consists of two categories: feeling and function. The feeling aspect (or pain), on average, accounts for about 20% of...

Why Would One Seek Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic is a gentle and effective therapy that allows you to release, process, and integrate stored information. The World Federation of Chiropractic’s definition describes...

3 Facts About Pain & The Brain

The brain/nervous system mediates our internal and external environments. Pain is signaled to and from the brain allowing us to know our physical body is changing. Here are three...