ABC Model

Dr. Amanda Malak Psychologist | Clinical Scottsdale, AZ

LGBTQ+ individuals from conservative families struggle to live their truth. Immigrant families navigate cultural clashes. Gender-affirming care using the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care (WPATH-SOC) is imperative. Partners from different cultural backgrounds may want support to understand... more

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment for many mental health concerns. While meeting with a therapist can help you delve deep into how to integrate CBT into your life, the model is something you can quickly and easily implement into your life. Do you catch yourself focusing on the negative aspects of life or ruminating about something unpleasant? If so, using the ABC model can help you cognitively reframe your thoughts to feel less stressed and more calm. The photo is a worksheet you can use when you catch yourself with a thought that is not serving you well, and below is an example:

A = Activating Event: What happened that got you into this hard place? 

“My boyfriend broke up with me.”

B = Belief: What are your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world?

“I am a terrible partner, no one will ever love me, and I don’t understand why God would cause such suffering in the world.”

C = Consequence: What behaviors am I engaging in and what emotions am I feeling?

“I feel sad, am crying uncontrollably, and have missed a big exam and a day of work.”

D = Disputation: How can you reframe your thought to be more honest and helpful as opposed to harmful?

“My boyfriend and I were not meant to be together, and the Universe has other plans for me and my future family.”

E = Effective new belief and consequences: How are you behaving and feeling after adopting the disputation?

“I am still sad, but I am able to go to school, go to work, and spend time doing things that bring me joy as I embark on the next chapter of my life.” 

You can use the worksheet to help you early on. Once you practice it repeatedly, it becomes second nature like riding a bicycle or driving a car. Your brain is like a muscle and doing CBT is like a workout where your muscles will eventually remember (muscle memory is real!). Try it out for yourself and see if this helps shift your mental health.