3 Things You Just Have to Know About Invisalign!

Jordan Wall Dentist London, ON

Dr. Jordan Wall is a dentist practicing in London, ON. Dr. Wall specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures,... more

Invisalign is an orthodontic system for producing tooth movement to straighten teeth. Over the past 20 years, Invisalign has become a mainstay and "go-to" treatment amongst Orthodontists and Dentists alike. Patients enjoy the improved comfort and esthetic advantages that Invisalign provides when compared to traditional metal braces.  While most people have now heard of Invisalign prthodontics, there are many things that patients may not be aware of when it comes to the Invisalign system.

For that reason, we've come up with this short article on things people need to know about Invisalign.

1.  Invisalign tends to work more quickly than metal braces. Invisalign aligners are thin, clear plastic trays that guide your teeth into new positions. As your teeth move, you graduate through a succession of aligners that work toward improving your smile. Because these aligners are in contact with all surfaces on your teeth (compared to metal braces which only make small areas of contact through metal brackets), they tend to produce more precise movement at a quicker rate.

2.  Invisalign aligners and retainers can be used as whitening trays. Once patients are done revamping their smile, they typically want to whiten their teeth. These things kind of go together like french fries and ketchup. Well, conveniently, you can use your final Invisalign aligner or your permanent removable retainer to hold whitening gel during at-home whitening stints. This way, you don't have to go through another round of annoying dental impressions to have custom tooth whitening trays made. You don't have that same opportunity if you go with metal brace orthodontic systems.

3.  You can take on just about any orthodontic case with Invisalign. When Invisalign was made available to dental patients about 20 years ago, it could only be used to treat a very small percentage of Orthodontic cases. Invisalign only had the capability to rectify minor tooth misalignments. Aligntech (the company that provides Invisalign) has spent the last 2 decades pouring research and development money into perfecting their system so that more orthodontic challenges can be treated with Invisalign. Today, Orthodontists and Dentists everywhere use Invisalign to tackle just about any kind of orthodontic problem.

If you've enjoyed our article and would like more information on Invisalign, please check out our information pages on Invisalign orthodontics!