Alternative Treatments For Pneumonia

More than one million children under the age of five lose their lives because of pneumonia according to research. This figure is higher compared to those who lose their lives as a result of AIDS, malaria or tuberculosis. One would then ask the question, what is this deadly disease that claims so many lives? Pneumonia is a severe infection of the respiratory system that affects the lungs and is a result of viruses, fungi or bacteria. Normally, when we inhale, the small sacs found in the lungs are filled with air. In the case of a pneumonia patient, the sacs accumulate pus and fluid when they inhale, making it hard for the person to breath.
Although the elderly and children are more affected by pneumonia, anybody can be affected by it. Children and the elderly are likely to contract pneumonia from staying in a hospital or related facilities for a prolonged period of time. Children mostly suffer from community-based pneumonia because they go to social places like schools. Although pneumonia can be cured at home, it is wise to consult with your doctor. The following are some home remedies that can be used to prevent pneumonia.
Garlic contains antimicrobial characteristics that battle viruses, bacteria and fungi. It also lowers body temperature and raises expectoration to remove phlegm from the lungs and chest.
- Add a cup of milk and half-teaspoon of garlic that has been crushed into four cups of water. Let the mixture boil until it comes down to a fourth of the original quantity. Consume it three times in one day.
- Take equal parts of honey and fresh lemons and marinate them with crushed garlic. Consume 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture at least three times each day.
- Rub garlic juice or a paste of garlic on the chest
- You can take ginger tea if the smell and taste of garlic does not appeal to you.
Cayenne pepper
It contains high levels of capsaicin that fuels the discharge of mucous from the respiratory pathways. This assists in elimination of mucus from the respiratory system. Beta-carotene, which assists in mucus membranes’ healthy development, is also found in cayenne pepper.
- In a glass of water, add a little cayenne pepper and lemon juice and then mix. Take this several times in a day
- In a glass of carrot juice, add cayenne pepper and mix. They are both used to cure pneumonia.
Fenugreek seeds
This contains mucolytic characteristics that ease congestion. It also causes sweating which brings fever down and eliminates toxins from the body
- Mix two cups of water with a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and boil. Strain the mixture and take four cups of this tea in a day. You can include some lemon juice to make it taste better.
- A teaspoon of ginger, a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, a dash of cayenne pepper and a garlic clove that has been crushed in a mug of hot water. Add lemon juice and honey (optional). Take this several times in a day.
Sesame seeds
This assists in elimination of phlegm since sesame seeds function as a natural expectorant.
- Mix one cup of water and a teaspoon of sesame seeds then bring it to a boil
- Add a teaspoon of flaxseeds to the boiling mixture
- After straining the solution, add some salt and a tablespoon of honey
- Take this solution once in a day
Vegetable juice
Spinach, carrot, cucumber, beet juice and other juices of vegetables are good for the health of your body, particularly if you have pneumonia. They dissolve mucus, strengthen immunity and help in detoxification. Parsnip juice which contains chlorine and phosphorous is good for your bronchial system and lungs.
- Mix two parts of spinach juice with 3 parts of carrot juice to make a juice of 500ml. Take this mixture every day
- You can also mix cucumber juice, beet juice and carrot juice in a ratio of 1:1:3. Take every day
- Take one glass of parsnip juice every day. Go for wild parsnips
Inhaling of steam
Steam improves breathing by easing congestion and coughing as well as battling infection.
- In a pot of boiling water, add some drops of essential oil like tea tree, eucalyptus, camphor oil, lavender or lemon
- Breathe in the steam that comes from the mixture. Use a towel to cover your head while doing this so that the steam does not escape
This herb functions as a mucolytic to remove mucus from your body. It also contains antibacterial and antiviral characteristics that help battle infection:
- Make a paste from turmeric powder and mustard oil that is warm and rub it on the chest
- Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk and take it at least two times each day
- In a cup with warm water, add a quarter tablespoon of black pepper powder with half a tablespoon of turmeric
Black pepper and holy basil
Your lungs will benefit from these ingredients. They are also used to treat pneumonia.
- Take five leaves of basil and extract the juice
- Add a dash of ground black pepper
- Drink it every 6 hours
Turpentine oil
It eases pain caused by pneumonia.
- Use a little turpentine oil to rub the rib cage.
- Use a warm cloth to cover the rib cage
Oil of oregano
This oil makes mucus thin and eliminates congestion.
- In a glass of fresh juice or water, add three drops of this oil and take it three times each day
- Pour two drops of oregano oil on a cotton ball and place it near your pillow for you to breathe it in at night
Pleurisy Root
This minimizes pleural membrane inflammation, improves generation of healthy lung fluids and stimulates the lymphatic system. It is also used in various ailments like pneumonia, pleurisy, chronic coughing, influenza and bronchitis.
Baikal Skullcap
Mix skullcap with other antibiotic herbs like Oregon grape, barberry, yellow root and goldenseal. Keep in mind, however, that pneumonia can be a fatal condition and should be carefully treated. Consult with your doctor to know whether you can treat your pneumonia with herbal supplements.
Elimination of animal proteins
If you normally have large amounts of animal protein in your meals, try to minimize them. The reason for this is because a lot of animal proteins may be hard to digest, especially if you are sick. If you are ill, maintain a proper routine and let whole foods function quickly to enable your body to take in their nutrients and battle the ailment. Proteins that are wholesome are present in vegetables such as beets, eggplant, spinach, artichokes, peas, potatoes and cauliflower.
Consume a potassium broth
Juice two radishes, two celery stalks, four garlic cloves, two carrots and some parsley. It is important to drink lots of potassium during the course of your pneumonia. Damaged tissues in the lungs can be fixed with potassium. However, avoid potassium broth if you suffer from heart disease since large quantities of potassium can be hazardous in such cases.
Consume carrot juice
During dinner, drink a glass of carrot juice. For it to be more effective, add a teaspoon of pepper. Your lungs can largely benefit from carrot juice and it also adds anti-oxidants to the tissues that have been damaged in your body. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A, calcium, Vitamin B-complex, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.