Alternative Treatments for Stroke

Knowing about the treatment and care of stroke victims is important. When a victim shows stroke-like signs and symptoms, a neurologist must confirm the symptoms as well as identify the type of stroke the victim is suffering from, the affected areas, and the level of damage. This will help in determining the most appropriate treatment option to be applied.
Ischemic Stroke
Ischemic stroke can be fatal. However, with proper and quick treatment, recovery is possible. The doctor will take measures to stabilize the vital signs, including giving the victim medicine. If it has been established that you are suffering from a stroke, your doctor may give you a clot-dissolving medicine called the tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) to increase your chances of recovery. Other medications include:
- Aspirin
- Another anti-platelet medicine
- Sometimes, the clot can be removed with a sophisticated medical device
What are the tips for a successful and quick recovery?
Always, try to be involved in your care. Do not let your caregiver take total charge as far as the recovery program is concerned. Learn how to deal with depression and ask your doctor to enroll you in a stroke rehabilitation program.
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke involves controlling the bleeding, reducing pressure in the victim’s brain, and stabilizing critical signs, particularly those relating to blood pressure.
Your doctor will also monitor you closely for signs that relate to increased pressure on the patient’s brain, including restlessness, confusion, difficulty following instructions, headache, excessive coughing, and vomiting. This will help establish the most appropriate medicine to administer.
Enrolling yourself into a rehabilitation program will increase your chances of recovering from a stroke. Some important aspects of rehab include:
- Walking: It is vital for a stroke victim to start walking at the first six weeks. This will help him/her recover within the first three months.
- Speech, body balance, and daily skills: Rehab involves speech recovery, regaining body balance, and being able to carry out daily activities for a successful recovery after a stroke. This can take for about 6-9 months after being discharged from the hospital.
- Communication and judgment: Regaining your ability to communicate and understand is the key to a successful recovery.
Specialists who can help a stroke victim during recovery
Recovering from a stroke requires patience and dedication. You need to stick to your doctor’s recommendations. You will also need to liaise with the following professionals for a quick recovery:
- Neurosurgeons: they are trained to handle all brain conditions.
- Physiatrists: these are rehabilitation doctors.
- Nurses: can also help a stroke victim recover with the supervision of qualified doctors.
- Physical therapists: will help a stroke victim with therapeutic procedures.
- Recreational therapist: designs appropriate recreational programs to help you recover fast.
- Dietitians: come up with a healthy diet to help a stroke victim recover fast.
- Occupational therapist: these are experts in "mechanical" complications of stroke - like extreme tightness in the arms or legs that may be solved by surgery.
- Speech therapist: assists a stroke victim to recover his/her speech
- Social worker: will help a victim will daily chores and emotional suppor
- Psychologist or psychiatrist will be handy when it comes to psychological support.
- Chaplain: can also provide emotional support to a stroke victim.