Fibroids: How Can a Hysterectomy Help Me?
Fibroids and Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that entails removal of the uterus or womb. Most women choose hysterectomy to completely resolve their fibroid-related symptoms. This treatment stops menstrual bleeding, relieves pelvic pressure, suppresses the frequency of urination, and prevents the growth of more fibroids. However, once hysterectomy is done, a woman can’t get pregnant anymore.
When is hysterectomy appropriate?
For fibroids, hysterectomy is convenient when:
- All other alternative treatments for fibroids have failed.
- You need a permanent solution for your condition.
- The fibroids are extremely large and trigger excessive bleeding.
- You’re done giving birth or have reached menopause.
There are several kinds of incisions to access the uterus. They include:
- Vaginal - this cut doesn’t leave any scars
- Open abdominal - it can be vertical or bikini line
- Vaginal with laparoscopy - can leave three or four scars
During a hysterectomy, it’s not necessary that the ovaries are removed. Women should consult their doctors about the pros and cons associated with the removal of the ovaries.
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus via the vagina and not through an abdominal incision. For this to be performed, the uterus shouldn’t be too large. Most women spend two nights in the hospital since the recovery involves severe pain for twenty-four hours and mild pain for about 10 days. Complete recovery often takes four weeks.
Complications caused by hysterectomy include intestinal or bladder injuries, bleeding, and infections.
Abdominal Hysterectomy
This is done by removing the womb through a horizontal incision on the lower side of the abdomen. If the uterus is too large, it might be wise making a vertical cut on the lower belly. An abdominal hysterectomy implies a complete removal of the cervix and uterus. Women who have had cervical dysplasia are often encouraged to undergo cervical removal during hysterectomy.
Abdominal hysterectomy necessitates a general anesthesia. The patient usually stays in the hospital for three days. About five percent of women contract post-operative infections that are easily treated with antibiotics. Others develop wound infections that are treated with home remedies. Some complications resulting from abdominal hysterectomy include intestinal injuries, infections, and heavy bleeding.
Supracervical Hysterectomy
This type of procedure entails removal of the upper section of the uterus. Some patients think that if they get rid of their cervix, their sexual inclination will decline or they will experience bladder problems. Nevertheless, it hasn’t been scientifically confirmed.
Laparoscopy Hysterectomy
This is a new surgical procedure, which involves the removal of the womb through tiny cuts made on the lower abdomen. Women having larger fibroids might not be suitable candidates for this procedure. If the womb is quite large, an abdominal hysterectomy may be recommended.
Recovery involves spending one night in the hospital and three weeks relaxing at home. Sometimes, doctors can switch from laparoscopy to abdominal hysterectomy depending on the condition of your uterus. Complications caused by this surgery include bleeding and internal injuries.
What will happen to my ovaries?
Hysterectomy doesn’t necessarily remove your ovaries. The ovaries might be removed completely if they’re abnormal or if the individual needs a permanent solution to her fibroids. Most often, women undergoing menopause have their ovaries completely removed during a hysterectomy. Ovarian removal in women of childbearing age can cause hot flashes, pain during intercourse, and vaginal dryness.
Hysterectomy is always performed when other treatment options have failed to relieve your fibroids.