The Signs of Being a Sapiosexual

What does it mean to be a sapiosexual?
Sapiosexual is described as someone who finds intelligence and the human mind as the most sexually attractive feature of the opposite sex. It means that you may love someone based on his or her intellectual capability. It is a neologism, which originated from the Latin word sapiens (wise) and sexualis (sexes).
The understanding between people plays a major role in relationships. Each loving affair follows an attraction to certain things, such as wealth, beauty, fame, personality, and knowledge. Your relationship with your partner goes beyond the attraction to physical beauty and sexual chemistry. Instead, it further extends to another character that is more important in the long run. Moreover, it allows you to appreciate other parts of the body aside from beauty.
Sapiosexuality will make you better understand the qualities you are looking for in a partner. It will also help you discover and appreciate other qualities of your partner if you are already in love. Sapiosexuals usually like people who are knowledgeable, fluent, and who have careers in specialized fields, such as law, medicine, and engineering. Their partner’s intelligence is a sexual turn-on in itself. This type of sexuality is probably most appreciated when your partner is also a sapiosexual.
Signs of Being a Sapiosexual
Many individuals may admire the intelligence of other people, but probably do not know that they are sapiosexuals. The following points will provide more explanation about knowing your status as a sapiosexual:
1. Intelligence is more important than physical appearance.
Sapiosexuals often find that they are more attracted and in love with other people as they get to know them better. They tend to focus more on the person's intelligence rather than physical appearance. As time goes by, they will discover the beauty of their love interest as well.
A good example of this situation would be in college, where you probably develop an interest in other people based on their brilliance or how they speak or conduct themselves. Then you start to notice other qualities they possess, such as beauty or body figure.
2. Poor communication skills are not tolerated.
A sapiosexual only appreciates someone who is on the same page with him or her regarding grammar and intelligent conversations. Sapiosexuals prefer someone who can write meaningful and complete texts than someone who always uses an abbreviation. They usually become agitated when they frequently receive messages that are incorrectly written. They may also feel that these errors only show that the individual lacks intelligence.
3. Profound knowledge and emotional intelligence are major turn-ons.
Sapiosexuals are always turned on by someone with high IQ. Whatever form of knowledge or brilliance possessed by a person is enough to sexually attract a sapiosexual. A sapiosexual often has an interest in individuals with academic excellence.
Sapiosexuals are also often turned on by emotional intelligence because they also know the best kind of response that matches such emotions.
4. Humility is valued.
A person's credentials may not be enough to impress a sapiosexual. Instead, they are impressed by the fact that people's humility makes it impossible to talk about their credentials.
5. Witty conversations are preferred.
Sapiosexuals prefer testing their wits by engaging in spells of comedy and sarcasm with their friends. If you prefer sharing sarcastic jokes with your colleagues rather than languid discussions, then you might be a sapiosexual.
6. Being left alone is not an issue.
Sapiosexuals appreciate being left alone. They find as much enjoyment in their time alone as they do when they are sitting comfortably with others. They cringe if anyone tries to fill every period of silence clumsily.
7. Showing indifference to the current trends.
Sapiosexuals are not really interested in popular trends. However, they still like individuals to have a great taste in life and not just following common trends.
8. Correct grammar is a must.
Sapiosexuals appreciate those who make use of proper grammar at all times, especially when chatting or texting. They appreciate people who can adequately understand the correct usage of words as well as their meaning. An example would be knowing the correct usage of the words they’re, their, and there. Knowing correct word usage can be very appealing and super sexy to them. Moreover, when it comes to texting, they always reply to texts with correct grammar.
Many relationships that are built on physical attraction tend to fade or collapse within a short period of time. When the course of attraction is no longer there, there is often nothing else left to hold the relationship together.
In another way, sapiosexuals tend to be more selective and look for some unique traits or character when it comes to choosing their partner. A mismatched marriage causes problems as too much will be required of their partner. It can take quite some time to find a partner of the same intellectual caliber.
Other Popular Types of Sexual Orientation
Apart from sapiosexuals, there are still other types of sexual orientations. They include:
- Androsexual: Androsexual is derived from the Greek word androphilia, and is used to a describe a sexual orientation that is geared toward the attraction of masculinity.
- Asexual: People who are asexuals are not sexually attracted to anyone. Although asexuality may sound strange, it is entirely natural.
- Demisexual: A demisexual is described as an individual who does not experience sexual attraction unless he or she forms a stronger emotional connection with another individual first.
- Gynosexual: Gynosexual is derived from the Greek word gynephilia. Gynosexuals are individuals that are sexually attracted to females.
- Graysexual: Graysexual describes individuals who usually do not experience any form sexual drive, or they may only experience a low sexual drive on rare occasions.
- Metrosexual: Metrosexual is a combination of sexual and metropolitan. A metrosexual person is a heterosexual urban man that enjoys fashion, shopping, and other similar interests customarily related to homosexual men or women.
- Omnisexual or Pansexual: Omnisexuals or pansexuals have romantic feelings toward individuals regardless of their gender or sexual identity. Omnisexuality or pansexuality is usually confused with bisexuality, but omnisexuality and pansexuality are more comprehensive terms since they are not restricted to just two genders.
- Polysexual: People who describe themselves as polysexual are attracted to multiple sexes or genders, such as third gender people, transgender people, genderqueer, and even those who are intersex.
A sapiosexual is a person who is attracted to intelligence other than mere physical appearance. They are turned on by characters or a particular trait other than beauty. A real sapiosexual loves knowledge without reason. They get thrilled by what others can do and love through the mind.
There are many indications of sapiosexuality, such as being attracted to knowledge, loving without taking beauty into account, and showing interest in what other people are capable of through intellect.