Tips for When You're Feeling Stressed
Although five minutes does not seem like a long time, the way you utilize this small amount of time can help you if you spend it doing things that can make you less stressed. There are some 10 simple ways to eliminate stress and boost your energy levels.
10 Tips to Reduce Stress:
- Make your bed – Make sure you start your day by making your bed so as to have a calm environment in the bedroom. According to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, many people benefit from this tip of making the bed.
- Pack a snack – Just before leaving out for the day’s work, make sure to pick a fruit or make a healthy snack like unsalted nuts or low-fat cheese. This will help to avoid having unhealthy snacks when the hunger strikes during the odd time. It helps to avoid the bag of chips and candies from the vending machine.
- Clear your desk – Make sure you clear your desk so that there is nothing that can affect your productivity. De-cluttering the desk will help to make you feel motivated and focus on the priority job.
- Listen to music – Music is the best way to reduce the blood pressure, help you to relax and boost your energy levels. Create a special playlist that you enjoy the most and listen to it whenever you feel stressed out.
- Sniff a lemon – Sense of smell also helps you to perk up when feeling low. Japanese researchers have shown that linalool, the compound found in lemons, can reduce the stress response in the body. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from lemon, basil, juniper, and lavender also help to reduce the stress levels.
- Stretch – Enjoy the benefits of light stretching while in the work desk at office. Just stretch the hands above the heads of stretch the legs by walking for some time. Stretching helps to ease the muscles and improve flexibility and circulation.
- Meditate – Meditation and deep breathing are the best ways to distress yourself. These techniques do not require any special infrastructure for practice. Meditation even for few minutes helps you to fight depression and reduce stress.
- Maintain a diary – Write down all the things that you feel fortunate to have. This helps to appreciate the things you have and to avoid negative thoughts
- Turn off electronic gadgets – Just staring at the computer screens all day long can affect your energy levels and encourage inactivity. Avoid looking at your mail, iPhones, and the internet to unwind.
- Prioritize – It is difficult to concentrate when there are multiple tasks to be completed. Make a list of duties and prioritize them to avoid procrastination. At the end of the day see the completed work reminds you how productive you are.