Tips on Living With Mumps
Mumps has no cure, since it is caused by a virus. Therefore, it is important to know the basic facts about this disease. This includes being prepared on how to live with it. If you or your child contracts mumps, you should liaise with your doctor immediately so they can advise you on how to deal with the condition.

Mumps occurs mostly in children and is caused by a paramyxovirus. However, certain viruses like influenza, cytomegalovirus, and Coxsackie virus can also demonstrate swelling of the salivary glands similar to that of mumps. Mumps can be passed through infected saliva after a sneeze or a cough. Symptoms will show within 14-21 days. Therefore, if you suspect you or your child has mumps, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. This will help in alleviating some of the uncomfortable symptoms of mumps, such as headaches and fever.
Signs and Symptoms
• Painful swelling on the salivary glands
• Fever
• Sore throat
• Loss of appetite
• Fatigue
• Mild stomach pain
• Dry mouth
• Mild to severe headaches
• General feeling of discomfort
• Pain behind the ears
Other, more severe symptoms include:
• Swollen scrotum
• Swollen ovaries for female children
• Inflammation in the brain
• Viral meningitis
• Miscarriage
Living With Mumps
• If your child has been diagnosed with mumps, give him/her plenty of water and fluids.
• If the child develops fever after being immunized for MMR, sponge him/her with plenty of cool water to reduce their temperature and headache.
• If you or your child has been diagnosed with mumps, you should seek treatment as soon as possible to subdue the symptoms.
• If somebody has been diagnosed with mumps, make sure to keep them away from children and other people for at least five days.
• Dispose of tissues as well as objects soiled with mucosal secretions appropriately.
Treating Mumps
Mumps has no cure because it is caused by a virus and will eventually leave the system itself. Treatments are focused on alleviating the symptoms. Giving your child lots of fluids can help alleviate the symptoms of mumps. Paracetamol can be administered to a child to help reduce fever. However, do not give your child aspirin if he/she is below 12 years old unless your doctor advises you to do so.
Other options include:
• Placing a warm wheat bag against your child’s swollen glands to ease the tenderness.
• Avoid acidic drinks since they can stimulate your child’s salivary glands, causing more discomfort.
• Strictly follow your doctor’s instructions when taking drugs.
• Your doctor will prescribe a stronger pain reliever if you are witnessing severe inflammation on your scrotum.
How is Mumps Diagnosed?
Your doctor will make a diagnosis based on your symptoms. Your doctor will take your saliva or your child’s saliva sample for a test to confirm if you have mumps.
Mumps has no cure. It is caused by a virus. Therefore, it is important that you know the basic facts about this disease. This includes knowing the tips on how to live with it. You should also liaise with your doctor as soon as possible to advise you on how to deal with the condition.