What are the Signs and Symptoms of Heat Rash?

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Heat Rash?
Heat rash is a condition that affects the skin when it is exposed to high temperatures, and sweat gets trapped beneath the layers of the skin. Victims of this condition usually experience general symptoms such as:
- Swelling of the affected areas
- Itchiness
- Redness of the skin
- Formation of small bumps on the skin's surface
Though these are the most common, there are three types of heat rash and each comes with its own symptoms.
Types of Heat Rash and Their Symptoms
The three types of heat rash include:
- Miliaria Crystalline
- Miliaria Rubra
- Miliaria Profunda
The above conditions are listed in order from least severe to most severe. Below are the symptoms of each type:
Miliaria Crystalline
This form of heat rash is most common in babies and it is the least severe of the three. It usually occurs closer to the surface of the skin than all the others. Its symptoms are:
- Burning sensation within the skin
- Redness of the affected area
- Irritation and itching of the skin
- Lack of sweat production on the affected part of the skin
Since babies cannot express their feelings verbally, it is recommended for parents to check their babies' skin frequently to ensure that they are in good health.
Miliaria Rubra
This type of heat rash takes place in the deeper layers of the skin, making it more severe than the first. It affects adults more often than children, though they too can have this condition. Some of its symptoms include:
- Severe itching sensation
- Formation of more distinct red bumps
It takes a little bit more effort to deal with this type of rash. There are some home remedies that are helpful in relieving its effects, such as staying in cool places, washing the affected parts with gentle soaps, and rinsing them using cool water.
Miliaria Profunda
Miliaria Profunda is a rare form of heat rash, and it normally occurs after repeated attacks of Miliaria Rubra. It is the most severe type, and it affects the lower layers of the skin. Miliaria profunda is typically only seen in adults. It is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Appearance of lesions on the skin
- Bumps become larger and more defined
- Extreme feeling of discomfort, accompanied with extreme itchiness
Should these symptoms occur, it is important to seek medical attention. If left untreated, Miliaria Profunda can cause extensive skin damage.
The Bottom Line
The symptoms of the three types of heat rashes are the same across all genders and ages. Because heat rash is more common in babies than adults, parents should always ensure they keep a close eye on their children's skin. Babies should be well dressed in clothes that do not retain heat and sweat, especially during hot seasons. Adults should also avoid activities and situations that are likely to cause heat rashes. Such activities can include:
- Excessive amounts of extreme exercises
- Prolonged exposure to high temperatures
It is important to note that these symptoms may be similar to other infections, such as folliculitis, and that these conditions are completely different. Therefore, if home remedies do not relieve the symptoms of a suspected heat rash, patients should see a doctor for further tests.