Healthy Living

What is A Partial Seizure?

What is A Partial Seizure?

Seizure is a brain abnormality which is caused by a surge in the brain’s electrical activity. It can affect the entire brain and can cause visual disturbances, muscle contractions and blackouts.


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Partial seizure is described as a seizure which happens in one area of the brain. Partial seizure may be caused by various factors such as epilepsy, infections, brain tumors, low blood sugar and heat stroke. Other causes may include use of illegal drugs, congenital brain defects, poisoning and withdrawal from alcohol or drugs. Partial seizure is also called focal seizure.


Types of Partial Seizure

There are two types of partial seizure:


Simple Partial Seizure

This type of seizure will last for a minute or less. An individual experiencing a simple partial seizure won’t lose consciousness, and will remember what happened when the seizure stops. Simple partial seizure may sometimes cause a person to feel anxious or fearful.


Complex Partial Seizure

With complex partial seizure, loss of consciousness occurs and the individual will not remember what happened. Prior to the episode, warning signs such as nausea and uneasiness are experienced. This type of seizure usually lasts for 1 to 2 minutes. After the seizure passes, the person may feel confused and sleepy.


Symptoms of Partial Seizures

The symptoms of a partial seizure depend on the area of the brain that is affected. For example, if the area affected is responsible for vision, then the person may see bright lights or experience hallucinations.


Below are the possible symptoms of partial seizures:

  • Contractions on one side of the body
  • Abdominal pain
  • Muscle contractions followed by relaxation
  • Unusual eye and head movements
  • Increased heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Dilated pupils
  • Mood changes
  • Vision changes
  • Flushed face
  • Blackouts


How to Make a Diagnosis of Partial Seizures?

Seizures may be diagnosed by a doctor simply by listening to a descriptions of events. However, finding out what’s causing the seizures can prove difficult. The doctor may recommend a series of tests such as blood tests, imaging scans of the brain, and spinal tap to determine the cause.


Treatment for a Partial Seizures

Treatment for partial seizures aim to control the root cause. Treatment is not possible while the partial seizure is happening. With recurrent partial seizures, medications are given by a doctor to prevent future complications.


It is important to keep the person safe while the seizure is happening. Keep objects and other people away as muscle contractions can cause the individual suffering from the seizure to hurt themselves. There’s nothing that can stop a seizure once it is happening.


Are Partial Seizures Preventable?

Seizures are not always preventable, but they can be controlled through medications. If you’re taking medications, make sure that you’re taking them as prescribed. Don’t skip or miss doses. In addition, reducing stress and maintaining regular exercise will reduce the likelihood of future occurrences.