Healthy Living

What is the MMR Vaccine?

What is the MMR Vaccine?

If someone comes into contact with infectious illnesses, their immune system will notice its presence and rapidly produce antibodies meant to fight and destroy it. People who have recently received an MMR vaccination can’t easily spread it to others. Sometimes, the MMR vaccine can cause mild side effects. For instance, it might cause the development of mild symptoms in some people. However, this condition isn’t infectious.

Since the inception of the MMR vaccine in 1988, it’s infrequent for young children to develop such serious complications. Nevertheless, outbreaks do happen and few cases of measles have occurred in recent years, hence, it’s imperative to ensure that all people receive the MMR vaccinations.

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MMR Vaccines for Newborns and Preschoolers

MMR vaccinations are given as single injections to newborns as part of their vaccination schedule, often within four weeks of their birth. They’ll get a second injection of MMR vaccine before attending school, usually when they’re three years, four months old.

The MMR vaccination might sometimes be given to babies six months old if they are exposed to the measles infection, or during tremendous measles outbreaks.
Babies under six months old aren’t routinely prescribed MMR vaccines. This is due to the fact that the antibodies produced by the body to fight the diseases are passed from the mother to child during birth, are retained and can attack the vaccine, modifying the efficacy of the vaccine.

The maternal antibodies reduce with age and at around twelve months old, they’ll vanish completely. MMR vaccination is given to babies between six to nine months old, if they aren’t at high risk of getting infected during measles outbreaks. Nevertheless, such children might not have adequate protection from this early dosage, so they’ll still require the standard MMR vaccination doses at twelve and forty months old. MMR vaccines are often given as single injections into an individual’s thigh or arm.

MMR Vaccination during Pregnancy

If you’re planning a pregnancy, it’s important to ensure that you’re fully protected against rubella, measles, and mumps. Rubella infections during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects as well as potential miscarriages.

If you aren’t sure that you have had two doses of MMR vaccinations, ask your doctor to look into it. You should desist from becoming pregnant during the first four weeks after receiving the MMR vaccination. Be informed that MMR vaccines aren’t convenient for women who’re already pregnant.

MMR Vaccine for Non-immune Adults

People born between 1970 and 1979 might not have been vaccinated for measles and mumps. Consult your doctor for a confident diagnosis. But if you’re 100% sure, you can  have it. Even though you could have taken it, an additional vaccination won’t cause additional harm.

How MMR Works

MMR vaccines contain weakened forms of live rubella, measles, and mumps viruses. The MMR vaccine triggers an individual’s immune system to release antibodies against rubella, measles, and mumps.