Simply, cellulites are normal fat deposits beneath the skin and appear like a bump or a dimple on the skin. Though a non-serious condition, cellulite can be a matter of concern among women as it can distort one’s perception of beauty and could be a reason for embarrassment.
Cellulites are most noticeable on thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen.
Cellulite is a common problem in adolescent and adult women. There are many cellulite treatments with huge claims but none of them have produced appreciable outcomes. Researches to find out treatments for cellulite are being carried all over.
Bumps or dimples on the skin often similar to cottage cheese or orange peel texture are the main symptoms of cellulites. Cellulites are more visible on white skin than on tanned skin.
Mild cellulites are often unnoticeable and become apparent only when the skin is pinched. More severe forms present with distinct uneven surfaces on the skin. Cellulites is common on the thighs and buttocks. However, other body parts such as breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms may also be affected.
When to see a doctor?
It is a non-serious condition and requires no treatment. However, if skin appearance is a concern for you, talk to your doctaor, dermatologist or plastic surgeon to find out how they can help.
3 Causes
The causes of cellulite have not been fully understood yet.
It is thought to be caused by excess fat beneath the skin that push up against the skin.
The result is an uneven surface or dimpling.
4 Making a Diagnosis
There is no specific method for making a diagnosis of cellulite.
What can you do?
Make a list of questions to ask your doctor at the time of visit.
Some typical questions are:
What are the treatment options available and which one do you think will work for me?
Several treatment methods exist for cellulite, which include:
Weight loss: Regular exercise can enhance the appearance of the skin and make the cellulites less noticeable. In addition, it can also strengthen your muscles. Talk to your doctor or trainer to design specific exercise regimen that targets your thighs, arms, buttocks and other common sites for cellulites.
Lasers and radiofrequency systems: These are promising new medical therapy for cellulites.
Liposuction: Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery used for permanent removal of excess unwanted body fat. It is not a treatment for obesity and it won't remove cellulite. Laser-assisted liposuction is a modified of liposuction in which fat cells are destroyed by using laser. It is less invasive than normal liposuction.
Topical treatment: 0.3% Retinol cream, a vitamin A derivative used to treat acne, twice daily may improve the appearance of cellulite.
6 Prevention
Regular exercise, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, and stress management are recommended to prevent cellulite.
7 Alternative and Homeopathic Remedies
A few alternative remedies exist that claim to be effective for Cellulite.
The cosmetic market is full of products that claim to effectively treat cellulites. But in reality none of the treatments have been found to be effective.
Here are examples of some of such products:
Vigorous massage
Mesotherapy: A solution containing a combination of aminophylline, hormones, enzymes, herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals is injected under the skin. It may cause several unwanted effects like infection, rashes, and bumpy or uneven skin contours.
Cellulite creams: These are topical creams that claim to cure cellulitis. Common ingredients of the cream are vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and antioxidants
8 Risks and Complications
There are several risk factors associated with Cellulite. Risk factors include:
Gender: Women are more likely to have cellulitis and most of the women have some extent of cellulitis. It is because the sites for fat deposition in women are those where cellulites are most commonly found.
Age: As you age, your skin loses elasticity and makes you more likely to develop cellulitits.
Weight: Cellulite may be more noticeable as you put on some pounds.
Family history: You may be at a greater risk if you have a family history of cellulitis
Lack of exercise: A sedentary lifestyle also may increase your chances of having cellulite.
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