How Can I Get Rid of Cellulite?

Cellulite is a problem seen both in men and women, though it is more common among women. These dimpled, lumpy patches of skin are seen in more than 90% of the women in the world, irrespective of their size and shape. Everybody is searching for the best way to get rid of these bothersome fat deposits for good. According to experts, a complete cure for this condition is still unknown. A number of treatment options have been put forward, discussed, tried, and promoted for removing dimpled skin.
Some of the common methods include:
- Weight loss – Adding more weight means adding more fat under the skin. This is one of the reasons for making the skin look lumpy. Losing weight helps to reduce fat and will reduce fat deposits under the skin. Losing extra pounds reduces cellulite in the body. Yet, this may not be a good option for women who are already in the healthy body weight range. For them, losing more weight may make cellulite more pronounced when skin loosens.
- Creams – Creams containing caffeine and retinol are considered to be useful in removing cellulite. Retinol in the cream helps in stimulating the production of the collagen in the skin. Collagen helps to make the skin thicker and elastic, by which cellulite is more or less hidden. Some studies show that caffeine helps to reduce fat cells in the body. Many other creams containing methylxanthines are also promoted as a treatment for cellulite, as many of them are known to break down the fat stored in the body.
- Dietary supplements – Products containing ginkgo biloba, sweet clover, soy lecithin, evening primrose, and fish oil are thought to improve metabolism and circulation, and also help in breaking down fat. The efficiency and safety of these products are studied fully, and one should choose these products with care.
- Massage – Massaging the area affected by cellulite is thought to improve looks. Endermologie is a massage technique that temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite. This technique actually redistributes the fat storage, but does not permanently remove them from the body. One should continue maintenance treatment to prevent the formation of cellulite again.
- Laser therapy – This procedure combines suction or massage with light therapy to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This procedure requires multiple sessions, and maintenance to improve the appearance.
- Collagenase – Studies show that injecting collagenase, the enzyme that breakdowns collagen, may help in reducing cellulite.
- Wraps – Herbal and other body wraps are often offered as a treatment option for reducing cellulite.