The Burden of ADHD

Although a child might not feel any different after being diagnosed with ADHD, the diagnosis truly affects his or her parents.
For parents
You will probably require special training by a specialist in ADHD to learn how to cope with your child’s condition. The specialist who diagnosed your child will be in a better position to prescribe specific measures that are most suited for your child, making the program more efficient. Despite being slightly varied based on the particular diagnosis, the ADHD management program usually consists of many different methods.
Methods include:
Set routines
Because the child is unable to concentrate on a single task, it is important to limit his or her activities as much as possible to help improve their concentration. You would also need to set very clear routines since those with ADHD don’t like deviating from routines.
Set very clear boundaries
In order to promote or discourage certain behaviors, use rewards and enforceable consequences. Whenever the child performs a positive action, reinforce it immediately with praise, and be specific about the activity that called for such praise. On the other hand, discourage negative behavior by taking away privileges. Remember to keep these boundaries consistent every time.
Be specific with instructions
In case you would want your child to do something, be very specific about it. For example, instead of saying, “tidy your room," be specific, and say “spread your bed and put the toys back in the box."
Social situations
It will be important to expose your child to their peers, but you need to be careful. Make sure your child is not tired or hungry, then keep the situation short. In case you start to notice any warning signs of frustration or overstimulation, intervene immediately by distracting them or leading them away from the situation.
For adults
If you’re already an adult and just realized why you have been experiencing so many difficulties, this can be the first step to correcting some of these mistakes. If, however, you were diagnosed as a child and are now all grown up, you will need to take control of your condition instead of relying on your parents.
Stick to routines
Clearly allocate time for your entire day and try as much as possible to stick to the schedule. Use of a diary, lists, and post-it notes will help to keep you in check and avert distractions.
Exercise regularly
This will help you to let off steam and burn off excess energy. It may also be important to stick to a diet by noticing the types of food that make you the most agitated.