Cloudy Urine During Pregnancy
Although having cloudy urine during pregnancy is usually normal, it might be the opposite in some cases. Having cloudy urine does not necessarily mean that you're ill.
Swollen Ankles in Pregnancy – How to Avoid It?
During pregnancy, you experience many changes to sustain the growing fetus inside your body. One of the changes is the increase in the blood volume, which occurs because your body has to carry blood for yourself and for another growing baby. For this reason, your ankles will swell a little while you're pregnant. At the end of the day, the extra fluid gets accumulated in the lower legs, especially if you have been standing for a long period of time. However, the swelling is not harmful to you or your baby, but it can be pretty uncomfortable. Continue reading this article to learn how to avoid ankle swelling during pregnancy.
Ways to Overcome Indigestion During Pregnancy
Are you pregnant and suffering from indigestion? Read this article to learn the five ways to overcome indigestion during pregnancy.
Can Antibiotics Help Treat Syphilis?
Yes, antibiotics (specifically penicillin) are the only medications, or it is better to say, the only possible medical approach, towards treating syphilis in the present day.
Dehydration During Pregnancy: What Are the Symptoms?
You will require more water if you are pregnant because water is very crucial for the growth of your baby. For the placenta to develop normally, an adequate amount of water is required. Read this article to know more about the symptoms of dehydration during pregnancy.