General Practitioner Questions General Practitioner

Abdominal pain?

What is causing my abdominal pain? It started two weeks ago. I skipped my period in December but had it in January. I have bloating, nausea, puking, change in stool. The pain is full, comes and goes, starts mainly after I eat something ending in me throwing up and continuing after.

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: Two weeks
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

There are many causes that can result in your symptoms. It also depends on the location of the pain whether it is in the upper abdomen or lower abdomen and whether on the sides or centre. But the first thing I would do is to check the possibility of being pregnant. Other possibilities include infectious gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer disease, gall stones etc, all depending on the location of the pain. I do recommend that you see your family doctor for advise.
It could be several things such as ulcer, hiatal hernia, post-infection syndrome. Since it has been going on for 2 weeks, you should be evaluated by a PCP or GI doctor. The doctor can get a full history and figure out if you need any testing done.
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