OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Abnormal pap smear results?

I had my annual pap smear and I was told I have some abnormal cells. My STD tests came back negative and i was told that it was not hpv. I have to go back in 6 months. I’m worried and confused. I was told my results over the phone and when I tried to ask some questions I was cut short. Are there other factors that may cause abnormal cells? My last period prior to the pap was irregular and I was spotting brown during my ovulation cycle more and longer that usual. I’m not sure if that is related.

Female | 24 years old

2 Answers

Abnormal cells are common on paps – sometimes they are related to HPV but in other cases, it may be from bleeding or inflammation (sometimes if there is any yeast or bacterial vaginosis in the vagina it can cause some inflammatory cell changes). If the HPV is negative, it almost always resolves on its own. The most important thing is simply to follow up as your doctor has advised.
Recommend you see your provider for a better explanation and review of your results.