“Acid reflux?”
Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year, 7 months
Medications: Esiflo 100, antacids
Conditions: Asthma
4 Answers
While antacids can provide temporary relief by neutralizing stomach acid, they do not address the underlying cause of acid reflux. If you find that your symptoms return as soon as you stop taking antacids, it's possible that your acid reflux is not being adequately controlled or that there are other factors contributing to your symptoms.
It's important to work with a healthcare professional to determine the cause of your acid reflux and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Here are a few steps that can help manage acid reflux:
1. Lifestyle modifications: Certain lifestyle changes can help reduce acid reflux symptoms. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding trigger foods (such as spicy, fatty, or acidic foods), eating smaller meals, not lying down immediately after eating, and elevating the head of your bed.
2. Dietary adjustments: Identifying and avoiding specific foods or beverages that trigger your symptoms can be helpful. Common triggers include caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, and mint.
3. Medications: In addition to antacids, there are other medications available to help manage acid reflux. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers can help reduce stomach acid production and provide longer-lasting relief. However, these medications may have potential side effects, so it's important to discuss their use with a healthcare professional.
4. Evaluation by a specialist: If your symptoms persist despite lifestyle modifications and medication, your doctor may refer you to a gastroenterologist (a specialist in digestive disorders) for further evaluation. They can perform tests to assess the extent of your condition and recommend additional treatment options, such as prescription medications or even surgical interventions in severe cases.
It's worth noting that each individual's experience with acid reflux can vary, and the appropriate treatment approach may differ from person to person. Working closely with a healthcare professional will help you develop a personalized plan to manage your symptoms effectively. They can evaluate your specific situation, conduct necessary tests, and provide ongoing guidance for long-term management.