“Are you awake during a blepharoplasty?”
I am a 43 year old female. I want to know if you are awake during a blepharoplasty?
6 Answers
Hello, depends on you and your surgeon. I am a trained general and cosmetic surgeon and own my own surgery center. I usually perform the surgery under twilight anesthesia. The procedure is slightly painful under local, while awake, especially when removing the excess fat. It literally feels like your eye is being pulled out of its socket, even though it is not. I had my own done under general anesthesia. For further information, you can visit my website, at Drroya.com. Good luck!
You can be if you choose. I routinely do blephs in my office with local anesthetic and my patients tolerate it very well. This has the benefits of quicker recovery and it’s considerably more economical as there is no anesthesia or surgery center costs. However, if you are totally freaked out by the idea of being awake it may be worth the extra expense.
I am the surgeon, so, yes, I am awake during a blepharoplasty. The patient is generally given a choice of awake surgery, twilight sedation, or general anesthesia. It depends on the setting, the surgeon, the anatomic needs for surgery, and the preference of the patient/surgeon. Consult with your local plastic surgeon.
You can be! I commonly do blepharoplasty with relaxing medications like Xanax, laughing gas, and injectable numbing medicine, while the patient is awake. It is also not unusual to do blepharoplasty with twilight sedation, especially if doing other procedures like rhinoplasty or a neck lift.
Dr. Fishman
Dr. Fishman