Chiropractor Questions Back Pain

Back Pain

I have been sick for a couple days now and I have random back pain on my right side

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

11 Answers

Give ur cold or flu a few days to pass.
If your back still hurts call me for an appointment 212 243 5515
Hi your body needs to be moved. Try Yoga class or swimming. Do not lift heavy weights or kickboxing class before you regain your full potentials

Dr Romina
It would be good to see your primary care physician to investigate further. They know all of your health history and can determine what the root cause of your back pain and whether or not it is related to your current sickness or something else.
Sometimes when we have been in bed for several days our bodies will ache randomly. Getting up and moving will help with those achy sensations.
Low back pain can be due to prolonged sitting or improper posture. It can
I would encourage you to get a check up at your primary care provider. There is the possibility of a Kidney infection based on your symptoms.
You may have a rib out of alignment especially if you have been sneezing, coughing, or vomiting while being sick. It does happen and can easily be adjusted by a chiropractor.

Thank you for your time!

Dr. Kortni Richards Smith
Owner IMS Chiropractic Clinic
(760) 285-3824

When our body strains - whether it be from stomach issues, repetitive coughing, fever, etc. – our muscles will sometimes guard. This is a natural defense mechanism in our bodies and can sometimes lead to unwanted aches and pains.
Difficult to know if the pain you’re feeling is related to being sick. If
you’re concerned go to your doctor and get checked out. You can ice and see
if that helps
There are 3 primary reasons for what we call a subluxation and can lead to pain.
1) Thoughts
2) Traumas
3) Toxins
Looking at this more closely, when someone is sad, depressed, angry, etc. it is common that we will also experience some pain or discomfort in our body. Technically, this relates to what is formally called psychosomatic and somatopsychic. Most of us have had the experience of bumping our knee, elbow or another body part and subsequently have some pain or soreness. Additionally, when someone eats spoiled or rotting food we will experience some pain.
If you have been sick, your body is working overtime to help you heal efficiently and thoroughly. There are a bunch of byproducts of this process and if not cleared rapidly, we may experience some pain.
While the pain may resolve on its own, it is wise to go see your local trusted chiropractor to make sure everything is aligned and your nerve system has the best opportunity to heal thoroughly.
I would wait 72H hours. It may be that you have have inflammatory pain secondary to the your recent illness. As your body stabilizes and inflammatory mediators diminish so should your back pain. If not, you can follow up with chiropractor for a quick evaluation. If you were in bed for a couple of days your back may be locked up and an adjustment can help.