Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Hematologist

Blood work results?

Do you all provide blood test readings?

Below are my results:
FSH 0.7
LH 0.4
TSH w reflex to FT4 2.48
Estradiol <15
Prolactin 10.8
DHEA sulfate 72

Female | 35 years old

1 Answer

I see the t4 value, which is low, but not the actual TSH. Given fsh lh both low, if tYSH is also low, then looks like panhypopituitary. Most important thing not checked is your adrenal function. You need to see an endocrinologist. The fsh lh should be telling your ovaries to make estrogen. TSH tells thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone. The pituitary is the control center for most of your hormones.