Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

Bowel blockage?

My husband has been experinceing possible bowel blockage about a week ago he was feeling blocked up and it was accompanied by burps with a very bad odor and vomiting he finally was able to have a bowel movement but now he is feeling the same way today he has almost felt he was going to vomit but he has diarrea that is bloody and mucusy we don't have a primary doctor because we make to much to get state help with ins but not enough to afford ins I'm not a doctor but I'm 100% certian he has lyme disease or a lyme co-infection.

Male | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 7

4 Answers


I am sure this is a tough spot to be in, but this may be more than Lyme Disease. Your husband needs to be under the care of a primary care physician and may very well require a colonoscopy. There are several insurance plans on the open market now that may fit your needs and financial budget. I urge you to look for those, and if your husband is not improving, he may need to go to the nearest emergency room for further evaluation.

Go to an urgent care that can do at least a plane X-ray if not a CT and maybe some lab tests as well.
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A thorough GI work up is needed to make a formal diagnosis of the problem. It could be bowel obstruction or just constipation, with hemorrhoids, etc. Lyme disease would not be high in the differential to explain GI symptoms, but a proper history and physical are important to do.
Sorry about your insurance situation but he needs to see a GI doctor, Colon and Rectal surgeon immediately of go to the emergency room for evaluation.