Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I brush dentures with toothpaste?

I got dentures 2 days ago. Can I brush dentures with toothpaste?

5 Answers

It is best to use a paste that is made specifically for dentures.
Hello, I would advise against brushing your dentures at all. The bristles of the brush can create tiny porosities in the denture and will cause it to stain and discolor over time. The best practice is to soak your dentures overnight in denture cleaner and rinse with soap and water in the AM.
Please use denture cleansers specific to resin teeth. Tooth paste can cause sediments or deposit build up. Most of the cleansing tablets are baking soda based. Please check with your Dentist on their recommendations.
You ask an excellent question.
You may use any gentle toothbrush a person would use on natural teeth.
Toothpaste has an abrasive in it. It is best to use a liquid soap.
There are a number of products made to soak dentures with to clean places a toothbrush cannot reach.
Using hand soap to clean your dentures is preferable, some toothpaste may be too abrasive and can damage the denture over time. If you choose to brush with toothpaste I recommend using a kid's paste that does not have any whitening or hard chemicals.