“Can I do a deep cleaning on my teeth with orthodontics?”
I am a 20 year old female. I want to know can I do a deep cleaning on my teeth with orthodontics?
5 Answers
Deep cleaning can be done with braces in place. It is more difficult than without braces, but should be just as effective.
It would be better to have a deep cleaning before ortho and regular cleanings during ortho, but if you need a deep cleaning with braces make sure the arch wires are removed by the orthodontist before and replaced after. Excellent oral health during ortho is a first priority.
Hi! By deep cleaning do you mean scaling and root planing where the hygienist gets under your gums with a scaler to clean off deposits?? If so I'd caution you against orthodontic treatment until your periodontal health is stable. Moving teeth in the presence of periodontal disease can cause serious problems including bone loss and tooth loss! The hygienist can work around your braces, but it's easier if your orthodontist removes your wires first! Easier still would be BRIUS or Clear Aligners rather than traditional fixed labial appliances!
Yes you can have a deep cleaning with braces on, sometimes we will temporarily remove the wires and then let your dentist/periodontist do the cleaning. Afterwards we will put your wires back in that same day.
Deep cleanings are indicated when bone loss has occurred due to periodontal disease. Periodontal Disease should be addressed before getting orthodontics. Movement of teeth in the presence of untreated periodontal disease can actually induce further bone loss. Once the periodontal disease is addressed it is safe to progress with orthodontics, but maintenance cleanings should be done every 3-4 months to prevent recurrence of acute periodontal disease.