Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Gastroenterologist

Can I eat meat after colon resection?

I will have colon resection surgery. Can I eat meat after colon resection?

2 Answers

Yes, you can eat meats after a colon resection. Your surgeon will start you off with clear liquids, then gradually introduce more solid foods. If the surgery was required for colon cancer you may reduce the risk for new cancers by not eating red meats and eating more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. If the surgery was for diverticulitis and abscess you will follow a diet specific for that condition. Eating meats is not however contraindicated because of a colon resection. The simple answer is to see what foods you tolerate best while you recover. . Kevin Sherin MD Faculty, Department of Primary Care Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine
No dietary restrictions needed after colon resection