Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Can I get surgery for this?

There is no gap between my knees when my ankles are touched together so I'm unfit for police or army forces. Can I get surgery for this?

Male | 18 years old

5 Answers

Yes, liposuction
If the reason the knees touch medially is excess fat, this can be liposuction. If not, I’m afraid there is no easy solution.
Thank you for the question. You have what is known as “bowed legs,” or genu varum. Functionally should not cause a major problem, unless very severe. I would advise to consult a general orthopedics surgeon for you to be evaluated, and discuss options. Were you denied by the police, or the armed forces?
Good luck.

Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD
I have no experience with this. However, if there is an obvious deformity, you would think there is a surgical correction. You should seek out an orthopedic surgeon. They will be able to answer your questions.
This is a question for orthopedics