Physician Assistant Questions Physician Assistant

Can I take medications for heart arrhythmia?

I have heart arrhythmia. Can I take medications for heart arrhythmia?

7 Answers

I would speak with your family doctor first.
You will need to determine what kind of heart arrhythmia you have to determine if medication can help. The best was to determine your heart arrhythmia is wearing a monitor for 7-30 days.
Good day, there are several options for treating arrhythmias. Please consult a cardiologist or internist for those treatments.
You should see a Cardiologist
Sure can
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Yes, there are medications for certain types of cardiac arrhythmias but this should be assessed by a cardiologist and a full cardiac work up is needed. Arrhythmias may be constant or may only occur transiently so a cardiac assessment is necessary.
Yes, see your provider for a complete workup and evaluation.