“Can I use toothbrush with swollen gums?”
I have swollen gums. Can I use a toothbrush with swollen gums?
5 Answers
You could use tooth brush any time. But with a swollen gum you have to know the reason for the swelling. Seek the help of a periodontist
You may still brush your teeth with swollen gums, but brushing by itself will not resolve the issue. If there is a lot of bleeding and swelling you should see a dentist. Sometimes swollen gums could be sure affect of an underlying systemic issue or a specific gum disease. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Hello there. Swollen guns can be cause by plaque and bacteria on the teeth. A good oral hygiene can help with this problem. Brushing is a good way to go. Even though it might bleed due to the inflation, you should not stop having your Brushing routine. Also, try to schedule an appointment with your dental provider for a good cleaning. God bless. Dr. I Doing what is right, it is always the right thing to do.
Swollen gums, gingivitis, is caused by poor oral hygiene. Yes use a toothbrush and floss. The gingivitis should subside in 30-45 days. See your local provider to rule out other causes of swollen gums .