“Can a chiropractor fix a rolled ankle?”
I rolled my ankle bad. I want to treat it. Can a chiropractor fix a rolled ankle?
7 Answers
Dr. Jane Bye
Yes, chiropractors do treat sprained ankles. Often there are misalignments in the ankle joint that can be adjusted as well as therapy to help the soft tissue.
Yes, chiropractor can treat a rolled ankle. Most often, the ankle is injured by an inversion-type sprain. The treatment would best be directed toward re-establishing the proper mechanics of the ankle misalignment, low level laser treatment to reduce the swelling and repair the damaged tissues and then Kinesio-taping to stabilize the supporting structures and improve lymphatic function.
Yes, definitely look up a chiropractor who specializes in Active Release Techniques which is incredible for ankles and other extremities. Activerelease.com And then hit find a provider near you
Yes! Look for an ART or Sports Chiropractor. They can adjust your ankle plus work on any muscles or ligaments that are inflamed or not moving correctly. Thank you for your time! Dr. Kortni Richards Smith Owner IMS Chiropractic Clinic (760) 285-3824 [cid:image002.jpg@01D96EC7.DD4D05A0]
Chiropractic adjustments can help speed the healing of any joint injury. The "new and improved" method for treating joint injuries is RAISE. Rest, Adjust, Ice, Stabilize, Elevate. Chiropractic adjustments help mobilize injured joints so that they heal properly. Wrapping a joint and not allowing it to move freely will cause scar tissue to develop, possibly creating a permanent change in your ankle's range of motion (ROM). Of course, your chiropractor should examine the injured ankle and take x-rays (if necessary and they haven't already be done) to make sure your ankle is not broken.