“How do you fix hip misalignment?”
I am a 30 year old female. I have a hip misalignment. How do you fix hip misalignment?
6 Answers
Hip misalignment is a common issue that chiropractors encounter every day. There are various techniques that are used to align the pelvis. All of them work well and it’s more a matter of what you are comfortable with. If your hips are misaligned you should see a chiropractor before it becomes more complicated or painful.
It really depends on what is causing the hip misalignment. First, X-rays should be performed and evaluated to determine if there is any hip pathology, then alignment between the hips should be evaluated. If there is hip height discrepancy, then the cause of the misalignment should be determined. The hips and the sacroiliac joints should both be evaluated for position and movement patterns as well as associated muscular tensions. Balancing the hips and pelvis is crucial to having a strong and supported core. Stretching, mobilization and manipulation of the associated joints and muscles can help to balance most misalignment issues. The use of orthotics in the shoes can help with greater hip height discrepancy issues.
I hope this info is helpful.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Eric Miller
I hope this info is helpful.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Eric Miller
The majority of the time, uneven hips are the result of an uneven pelvis. Your lumbar spine may also contribute to it as well. Chiropractic care is a great place to start. After a professional evaluation, it may be a few routine adjustments to get you back on track.
A hip misalignment is generally treated with manual manipulation. This is performed by a professional such as a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist.