Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor repair a herniated disc?

I am a 33 year old male. I wonder if a chiropractor can repair a herniated disc?

3 Answers

Chiropractors restore your body's ability to heal itself. This varies in time and efficacy depending on your body and the severity of the herniation. Most disc herniations can be repaired with Chiropractic care.
it all depends on the severity. Research now indicates that conservative care may be preferable to more invasive procedures. Of course, if you experience loss of bowel or bladder control this would be an emergency and requires immediate intervention.
Technically only the body can repair a herniated disc. A chiropractor can realign the vertebrae and correct subluxations which cause discs to herniate. Through careful manipulation and other techniques the chiropractor can allow the disc to return to normal in many cases.